Mirosław Pawlak
Mirosław Pawlak
Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz
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Boredom in online classes in the Iranian EFL context: Sources and solutions
A Derakhshan, M Kruk, M Mostafa, M Pawlak
System 101, 2021
Error correction in the foreign language classroom: Reconsidering the issues
M Pawlak
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Investigating the dynamic nature of L2 willingness to communicate
M Pawlak, A Mystkowska-Wiertelak
System 50, 1-9, 2015
Investigating factors responsible for boredom in English classes: The case of advanced learners
M Pawlak, M Kruk, J Zawodniak, S Pasikowski
System 91, 102259, 2020
Investigating the nature of classroom willingness to communicate (WTC): A micro-perspective
M Pawlak, A Mystkowska-Wiertelak, J Bielak
Language Teaching Research 20 (5), 654-671, 2016
Classroom social climate, growth language mindset, and student engagement: The mediating role of boredom in learning English as a foreign language
A Derakhshan, J Fathi, M Pawlak, M Kruk
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 45 (8), 3415-3433, 2024
The dynamic nature of motivation in language learning: A classroom perspective
M Pawlak
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2 (2), 249-278, 2012
Investigating language learning strategies: Prospects, pitfalls and challenges
M Pawlak
Language Teaching Research 25 (5), 817-835, 2021
Willingness to communicate in instructed second language acquisition: Combining a macro-and micro-perspective
A Mystkowska-Wiertelak, M Pawlak
Multilingual Matters, 2017
Applying Cognitive Grammar in the classroom: Teaching English tense and aspect
J Bielak, M Pawlak, J Bielak, M Pawlak
Applying Cognitive Grammar in the Foreign Language Classroom: Teaching …, 2013
The place of form-focused instruction in the foreign language classroom
M Pawlak
Wydział Pedagogiczno-Artystyczny UAM, 2006
A longitudinal study of foreign language enjoyment and L2 grit: A latent growth curve modeling
M Elahi Shirvan, T Taherian, M Shahnama, E Yazdanmehr
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 720326, 2021
Activity-induced boredom in online EFL classes
A Derakhshan, M Kruk, M Mehdizadeh, M Pawlak
ELT Journal 76 (1), 58-68, 2022
Boredom in online English language classes: Mediating variables and coping strategies
M Pawlak, A Derakhshan, M Mehdizadeh, M Kruk
Language Teaching Research 29 (2), 509-534, 2025
Boredom in the foreign language classroom: A micro-perspective
M Pawlak, J Zawodniak, M Kruk
Springer Nature, 2020
Investigating individual trajectories in experiencing boredom in the language classroom: The case of 11 Polish students of English
M Pawlak, M Kruk, J Zawodniak
Language Teaching Research 26 (4), 598-616, 2022
Classroom environment and willingness to communicate in English: The mediating role of emotions experienced by university students in China
C Li, JM Dewaele, M Pawlak, M Kruk
Language Teaching Research, 13621688221111623, 2022
Fluctuations in learners’ willingness to communicate during communicative task performance: Conditions and tendencies
A Mystkowska-Wiertelak, M Pawlak
Research in Language 12 (3), 245-260, 2014
Grammar learning strategies and language attainment: Seeking a relationship
M Pawlak
Research in language 7, 43-60, 2009
Conclusion: The future of research into language learning strategies
M Pawlak, RL Oxford
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 8 (2), 525-535, 2018
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Articles 1–20