Uma Sawant
Uma Sawant
PhD student at IIT Bombay
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Structured learning for non-smooth ranking losses
S Chakrabarti, R Khanna, U Sawant, C Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2008
Hindi part-of-speech tagging and chunking: A maximum entropy approach
A Dalal, K Nagaraj, U Sawant, S Shelke
Proceeding of the NLPAI Machine Learning Competition, 2006
Learning joint query interpretation and response ranking
U Sawant, S Chakrabarti
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web, 1099-1110, 2013
Neural architecture for question answering using a knowledge graph and web corpus
U Sawant, S Garg, S Chakrabarti, G Ramakrishnan
Information Retrieval Journal 22, 324-349, 2019
Knowledge Graph and Corpus Driven Segmentation and Answer Inference for Telegraphic Entity-seeking Queries
M Joshi, U Sawant, S Chakrabarti
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2014
Building feature rich pos tagger for morphologically rich languages: Experience in Hindi
A Dalal, K Nagaraj, U Swant, S Shelke, P Bhattacharyya
ICON, 2007
In vitro evulation of bio-agents and botanicals against Sclerotium rolfsii causing foot rot of fingermillet (Nagli)
VG Mundhe, MP Diwakar, JJ Kadam, MS Joshi, UK Sawant
Journal of Plant Disease Sciences 4 (2), 183-186, 2009
In Vitro Evaluation of Bioagents Against Colletotrichum Globosporioides Penz. Causing Leaf Spot of Clove
SN Jadhav, UA Gadre, JJ Kadam, MS Joshi, VK Sawant
Journal of Plant Disease Sciences 4 (1), 104-106, 2009
Management of leaf spot disease of Kokum (Garcinia indica) incited by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.
SK Jadhav, MP Diwakar, UK Sawant, JJ Kadam
Journal of Plant Disease Sciences 3 (2), 193-196, 2008
Studies on mass multiplication, different methods of application of bioagent T. harzianum and their survival in rhizosphere and soil
PB Parab, MP Diwakar, UK Sawant, JJ Kadam
Journal of Plant Disease Sciences 3 (2), 215-218, 2008
Exploration of Trichoderma harzianum as antagonist against Fusarium spp causing damping off and root rot disease and its sensitivity to different fungicides
PB Parab, MP Diwakar, UK Sawant, JJ Kadam
Journal of Plant Disease Sciences 4 (1), 52-56, 2009
Studies on effect of different fungicides on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. causing leaf spot of jatropha
YG Watve, MP Diwakar, UK Sawant, JJ Kadam
J. Pl. Dis. Sci 4 (1), 95-98, 2009
" Open-domain question answering using a knowledge graph and web corpus" by Uma Sawant, Soumen Chakrabarti and Ganesh Ramakrishnan with Martin Vesely as coordinator
U Sawant, S Chakrabarti, G Ramakrishnan
ACM SIGWEB Newsletter 2018 (Winter), 1-8, 2018
Effect of different chemicals, plant extracts and bioagents against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing leaf spot disease of jatropha
YG Watve, MP Diwakar, JJ Kadam, UK Sawant, GV Mundhe
Journal of Plant Disease Sciences 4 (2), 199-203, 2009
Management of leaf spot disease of Kokum incited by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
SK Jadav, MP Diwakar, UK Sawant, JJ Kadam
J. Pl. Dis. Sci 3 (2), 193-196, 2008
Effect of paclobutrazol on growth and flowering in mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Ratna.
AB Joshi, MB Magdum, UK Sawant
Product discovery from E-commerce listings via deep text parsing
U Sawant, V Gabale
Proceedings of the ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science …, 2018
Fairness for text classification tasks with identity information data augmentation methods
M Wadhwa, M Bhambhani, A Jindal, U Sawant, R Madhavan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.03541, 2022
Survival and epidemiology of powdery mildew of mango caused by Oidium mangiferae Berthet.
RA Karande, MS Joshi, SC Rite, UK Sawant, DT Khedkar
Features and aggregators for web-scale entity search
U Sawant, S Chakrabarti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.3164, 2013
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Articles 1–20