Simon A. Mng'omba
Simon A. Mng'omba
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
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Cited by
Variation in maize yield gaps with plant nutrient inputs, soil type and climate across sub-Saharan Africa
G Sileshi, FK Akinnifesi, LK Debusho, T Beedy, OC Ajayi, S Mong’omba
Field Crops Research 116 (1-2), 1-13, 2010
Nutritional variation in baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruit pulp and seeds based on Africa geographical regions
KU Muthai, MS Karori, A Muchugi, AS Indieka, C Dembele, S Mng'omba, ...
Food science & nutrition 5 (6), 1116-1129, 2017
Estimating aboveground tree biomass in three different miombo woodlands and associated land use systems in Malawi
S Kuyah, GW Sileshi, J Njoloma, S Mng'omba, H Neufeldt
Biomass and Bioenergy 66, 214-222, 2014
The relationship between graft incompatibility and phenols in Uapaca kirkiana Müell Arg.
SA Mng’omba, ES du Toit, FK Akinnifesi
Scientia Horticulturae 117 (3), 212-218, 2008
A simple method of formulating least-cost diets for smallholder dairy production in sub-Saharan Africa
S Chakeredza, FK Akinnifesi, OC Ajayi, G Sileshi, S Mngomba, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 7 (16), 2925-2933, 2008
Efficacy and utilization of fungicides and other antibiotics for aseptic plant cultures
SA Mng'omba, ES du Toit, FK Akinnifesi, G Sileshi
InTech Open Access Publisher, 2012
Rootstock growth and development for increased graft success of mango (Mangifera indica) in the nursery
SA Mng’omba, FK Akinnifesi, G Sileshi, OC Ajayi
African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (9), 2010
Effect of growing medium on early growth and survival of Uapaca kirkiana Müell Arg. seedlings in Malawi
J Mhango, FK Akinnifesi, SA Mng’omba, G Sileshi
African Journal of Biotechnology 7 (13), 2008
Variation in growth and fruit yield of populations of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst.
BI Nyoka, T Chanyenga, SA Mng’omba, FK Akinnifesi, W Sagona
Agroforestry Systems 89, 397-407, 2015
Histological evaluation of early graft compatibility in Uapaca kirkiana Müell Arg. scion/stock combinations
SA Mng'omba, ES du Toit, FK Akinnifesi, HM Venter
HortScience 42 (3), 732-736, 2007
Repeated exposure of jacket plum (Pappea capensis) micro-cuttings to indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) improved in vitro rooting capacity
SA Mng'omba, ES Du Toit, FK Akinnifesi, HM Venter
South African Journal of Botany 73 (2), 230-235, 2007
Quality of tree seedlings produced in nurseries in Malawi: an assessment of morphological attributes
BI Nyoka, R Kamanga, J Njoloma, R Jamnadass, S Mng’omba, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 27 (2), 103-117, 2018
Germination characteristics of tree seeds: spotlight on Southern African tree species
SA Mng’omba, ES du Toit, FK Akinnifesi
Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology 1 (1), 1-8, 2007
Agroforestry tree seed production and supply systems in Malawi
BI Nyoka, SA Mng’omba, FK Akinnifesi, OC Ajayi, G Sileshi, R Jamnadass
Small-scale Forestry 10, 419-434, 2011
Domestication and conservation of indigenous Miombo fruit trees for improving rural livelihoods in southern Africa
FK Akinnifesi, G Sileshi, OC Ajayi, PW Chirwa, S Mng'omba, ...
Biodiversity 9 (1-2), 72-74, 2008
A decision support tool for propagating Miombo indigenous fruit trees of southern Africa
SA Mng’omba, FK Akinnifesi, G Sileshi, OC Ajayi, S Chakeredza, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 7 (25), 2008
Water application rate and frequency affect seedling survival and growth of Vangueria infausta and Persea americana
SA Mng’omba, FK Akinnifesi, G Sileshi, OC Ajayi, BI Nyoka, R Jamnadass
African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (9), 1593-1599, 2011
Local solutions to global problems: the potential of agroforestry for climate change adaptation and mitigation in southern Africa
OC Ajayi, FK Akinnifesi, G Sileshi, S Chakeredza, S Mn’gomba, O Ajayi, ...
Invited paper presented at the Tropical Forests and Climate Change …, 2008
Creating opportunities for domesticating and commercializing miombo indigenous fruit trees in Southern Africa.
FK Akinnifesi, OC Ajayi, G Sileshi, P Matakala, FR Kwesiga, C Ham, ...
Indigenous fruit trees in the tropics: domestication, utilization and …, 2008
Certification of agroforestry tree germplasm in Southern Africa: opportunities and challenges
BI Nyoka, OC Ajayi, FK Akinnifesi, T Chanyenga, SA Mng’omba, G Sileshi, ...
Agroforestry systems 83, 75-87, 2011
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Articles 1–20