Hilppa Gregow
Hilppa Gregow
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Trends in the average temperature in Finland, 1847–2013
S Mikkonen, M Laine, HM Mäkelä, H Gregow, H Tuomenvirta, M Lahtinen, ...
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 29, 1521-1529, 2015
Increasing large scale windstorm damage in Western, Central and Northern European forests, 1951–2010
H Gregow, A Laaksonen, ME Alper
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 46397, 2017
Impacts of climate change on timber production and regional risks of wind-induced damage to forests in Finland
H Peltola, VP Ikonen, H Gregow, H Strandman, A Kilpeläinen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (5), 833-845, 2010
Production of the Finnish wind atlas
B Tammelin, T Vihma, E Atlaskin, J Badger, C Fortelius, H Gregow, ...
Wind Energy 16 (1), 19-35, 2013
GCMeval–An interactive tool for evaluation and selection of climate model ensembles
KM Parding, A Dobler, CF McSweeney, OA Landgren, R Benestad, ...
Climate Services 18, 100167, 2020
Climatology, variability, and trends in near-surface wind speeds over the North Atlantic and Europe during 1979–2018 based on ERA5
TK Laurila, VA Sinclair, H Gregow
Int. J. Climatol 41 (4), 2253-2278, 2021
Risk of large-scale fires in boreal forests of Finland under changing climate
I Lehtonen, A Venäläinen, M Kämäräinen, H Peltola, H Gregow
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (1), 239-253, 2016
Combined occurrence of wind, snow loading and soil frost with implications for risks to forestry in Finland under the current and changing climatic conditions
H Gregow, H Peltola, M Laapas, S Saku, A Venäläinen
Silva Fennica 45 (1), 35-54, 2011
Heavy snow loads in Finnish forests respond regionally asymmetrically to projected climate change
I Lehtonen, M Kämäräinen, H Gregow, A Venäläinen, H Peltola
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (10), 2259-2271, 2016
Comparison of regional and global reanalysis near-surface winds with station observations over Germany
AK Kaiser-Weiss, F Kaspar, V Heene, M Borsche, DGH Tan, P Poli, ...
Advances in Science and Research 12 (1), 187-198, 2015
Impacts of climate change on the risk of snow-induced forest damage in Finland
A Kilpeläinen, H Gregow, H Strandman, S Kellomäki, A Venäläinen, ...
Climatic change 99, 193-209, 2010
Analysis of current validation practices in Europe for space-based climate data records of essential climate variables
Y Zeng, Z Su, JC Calvet, T Manninen, E Swinnen, J Schulz, R Roebeling, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 42 …, 2015
The projected 21st century forest-fire risk in Finland under different greenhouse gas scenarios
I Lehtonen, K Ruosteenoja, A Venäläinen, H Gregow
Boreal environment research 19 (2), 127, 2014
Multimodel estimates of the changes in the Baltic Sea ice cover during the present century
A Luomaranta, K Ruosteenoja, K Jylhä, H Gregow, J Haapala, ...
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 66 (1), 22617, 2014
Phenological patterns of flowering across biogeographical regions of Europe
B Templ, M Templ, P Filzmoser, A Lehoczky, E Bakšienè, S Fleck, ...
International journal of biometeorology 61 (7), 1347-1358, 2017
Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumisen ohjauskeinot, kustannukset ja alueelliset ulottuvuudet
H Gregow, A Mäkelä, H Tuomenvirta, S Juhola, J Käyhkö, A Perrels, ...
Suomen ilmastopaneeli, 2021
An overview of European efforts in generating climate data records
Z Su, W Timmermans, Y Zeng, J Schulz, VO John, RA Roebeling, P Poli, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99 (2), 349-359, 2018
Climate variability and trends in the Valkea-Kotinen region, southern Finland: comparisons between the past, current and projected climates
K Jylhä, M Laapas, K Ruosteenoja, L Arvola, A Drebs, J Kersalo, S Saku, ...
Finnish Environment Institute, 2014
Changes in the mean and extreme geostrophic wind speeds in Northern Europe until 2100 based on nine global climate models
H Gregow, K Ruosteenoja, N Pimenoff, K Jylhä
International Journal of Climatology 32 (12), 1834, 2012
Skilful seasonal predictions of Baltic Sea ice cover
AY Karpechko, KA Peterson, AA Scaife, J Vainio, H Gregow
Environmental Research Letters 10 (4), 044007, 2015
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