Xinchen Lyu
Xinchen Lyu
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Multiuser joint task offloading and resource optimization in proximate clouds
X Lyu, H Tian, C Sengul, P Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (4), 3435-3447, 2016
Optimal schedule of mobile edge computing for internet of things using partial information
X Lyu, W Ni, H Tian, RP Liu, X Wang, GB Giannakis, A Paulraj
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (11), 2606-2615, 2017
Selective offloading in mobile edge computing for the green internet of things
X Lyu, H Tian, L Jiang, A Vinel, S Maharjan, S Gjessing, Y Zhang
IEEE network 32 (1), 54-60, 2018
Energy-efficient admission of delay-sensitive tasks for mobile edge computing
X Lyu, H Tian, W Ni, Y Zhang, P Zhang, RP Liu
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (6), 2603-2616, 2018
Adaptive sequential offloading game for multi-cell mobile edge computing
M Deng, H Tian, X Lyu
2016 23rd international conference on telecommunications (ICT), 1-5, 2016
Distributed optimization of collaborative regions in large-scale inhomogeneous fog computing
X Lyu, C Ren, W Ni, H Tian, RP Liu
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (3), 574-586, 2018
Optimal online data partitioning for geo-distributed machine learning in edge of wireless networks
X Lyu, C Ren, W Ni, H Tian, RP Liu, E Dutkiewicz
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (10), 2393-2406, 2019
Online optimization of wireless powered mobile-edge computing for heterogeneous industrial internet of things
H Wu, X Lyu, H Tian
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (6), 9880-9892, 2019
Adaptive receding horizon offloading strategy under dynamic environment
X Lyu, H Tian
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (5), 878-881, 2016
Distributed online optimization of fog computing for selfish devices with out-of-date information
X Lyu, W Ni, H Tian, RP Liu, X Wang, GB Giannakis, A Paulraj
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (11), 7704-7717, 2018
Multi-timescale decentralized online orchestration of software-defined networks
X Lyu, C Ren, W Ni, H Tian, RP Liu, YJ Guo
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (12), 2716-2730, 2018
Edge popularity prediction based on social-driven propagation dynamics
S He, H Tian, X Lyu
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (5), 1027-1030, 2017
Distributed online learning of cooperative caching in edge cloud
X Lyu, C Ren, W Ni, H Tian, RP Liu, X Tao
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20 (8), 2550-2562, 2020
Distributed online learning of fog computing under nonuniform device cardinality
C Ren, X Lyu, W Ni, H Tian, RP Liu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (1), 1147-1159, 2018
Clustering label inference attack against practical split learning
J Liu, X Lyu
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2203.05222, 2022
Distributed cache placement and user association in multicast-aided heterogeneous networks
S He, H Tian, X Lyu, G Nie, S Fan
IEEE Access 5, 25365-25376, 2017
Distributed online optimization of fog computing for internet of things under finite device buffers
C Ren, X Lyu, W Ni, H Tian, W Song, RP Liu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (6), 5434-5448, 2020
Service‐dependent task offloading for multiuser mobile edge computing system
W Ni, H Tian, X Lyu, S Fan
Electronics letters 55 (15), 839-841, 2019
Convergence analysis of sequential federated learning on heterogeneous data
Y Li, X Lyu
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
Virtual service placement for edge computing under finite memory and bandwidth
S He, X Lyu, W Ni, H Tian, RP Liu, E Hossain
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (12), 7702-7718, 2020
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