Aale Luusua
Cited by
Cited by
From cyberpunk to calm urban computing: Exploring the role of technology in the future cityscape
H Kukka, A Luusua, J Ylipulli, T Suopajärvi, V Kostakos, T Ojala
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 84, 29-42, 2014
Winter is coming: introducing climate sensitive urban computing
J Ylipulli, A Luusua, H Kukka, T Ojala
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 647-656, 2014
Nonanthropocentric design and smart cities in the anthropocene
A Luusua, J Ylipulli, E Rönkkö
IT-Information Technology 59 (6), 295-304, 2017
On Creative Metaphors in Technology Design: Case" Magic"
J Ylipulli, A Luusua, T Ojala
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and …, 2017
Evaluation probes
A Luusua, J Ylipulli, M Jurmu, H Pihlajaniemi, P Markkanen, T Ojala
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
Urban computing in theory and practice: towards a transdisciplinary approach
H Kukka, J Ylipulli, A Luusua, AK Dey
Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun …, 2014
UbiOpticon: participatory sousveillance with urban screens and mobile phone cameras
M Foth, T Heikkinen, J Ylipulli, A Luusua, C Satchell, T Ojala
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 56-61, 2014
SenCity—piloting intelligent lighting and user-oriented services in complex smart city environments
H Pihlajaniemi, E Juntunen, A Luusua, M Tarkka-Salin, J Juntunen
Proceedings of eCAADe 2016 (1), 669-680, 2016
Experiencing participatory and communicative urban lighting through LightStories
H Pihlajaniemi, A Luusua, M Teirilä, T Österlund, T Tanska
Proceedings of the Media Architecture Biennale Conference: Participation, 65-74, 2012
New resource-wise planning strategies for smart urban-rural development in Finland
E Rönkkö, A Luusua, E Aarrevaara, A Herneoja, T Muilu
Systems 5 (1), 10, 2017
Northern urban lights: Emplaced experiences of urban lighting as digital augmentation
A Luusua, H Pihlajaniemi, J Ylipulli
Architecture and interaction: Human computer interaction in space and place …, 2016
Remarks on Transdisciplinarity as Basis for Conducting Research by Design Teamwork in Real World Context through Two Case Studies of Algorithm Aided Lighting Design'
A Herneoja, H Pihlajaniemi, T Österlund, A Luusua, P Markkanen
Real Time-Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference 2, 61-70, 2015
Experiencing adaptive retail lighting in a real-world pilot
H Pihlajaniemi, A Luusua, P Markkanen, A Herneoja, V Pentikäinen
Proc. Experiencing Light, 90-93, 2014
SenCity City Monitor as a platform for user involvement, innovation and service development
H Pihlajaniemi, A Luusua, EM Sarjanoja, R Vääräniemi, E Juntunen, ...
ShoCK!-Sharing Computational Knowledge!-Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe …, 2017
SenCity: evaluating users’ experiences of intelligent lightning for well-being in smart cities
H Pihlajaniemi, A Luusua, E Juntunen
Znack Publishing House, 2018
LightStories: designing and evaluating interactive and participatory urban lighting
H Pihlajaniemi, T Österlund, A Luusua, T Tanska
Interactive design light workshop, Glasgow, 2012
“I’ve had it!” Group therapy for interdisciplinary researchers
M Jurmu, J Ylipulli, A Luusua
Aarhus Series on Human Centered Computing 1 (1), 3, 2015
Drivers’ experiences of presence sensitive roadway lighting match experiences of traditional road lighting–a case study in Finland
H Pihlajaniemi, E Juntunen, A Luusua
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1099 (1), 012018, 2022
Regions On-Demand: New resource-wise urban planning strategies for integrated urban-rural development in Finland
E Rönkkö, A Luusua, E Aarrevaara, A Herneoja, T Muilu
University of Applied Sciences, 2016
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of Architectural Research 2011: Research & Praxis/Arkkitehtuuritutkimuksen päivät 2011: Tutkimus ja käytäntö
A Herneoja, H Hirviniemi, S Hirvonen-Kantola, A Joutsiniemi, A Luusua, ...
Oulun yliopisto, 2013
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Articles 1–20