Andrea Morelli
Andrea Morelli
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Effect of heart rate control with esmolol on hemodynamic and clinical outcomes in patients with septic shock: a randomized clinical trial
A Morelli, C Ertmer, M Westphal, S Rehberg, T Kampmeier, S Ligges, ...
Jama 310 (16), 1683-1691, 2013
Effect of Conservative vs Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Mortality Among Patients in an Intensive Care Unit: The Oxygen-ICU Randomized Clinical Trial.
SM Girardis M, Busani S, Damiani E, Donati A, Rinaldi L, Marudi A, Morelli A ...
JAMA 316 (15), 1583-1589, 2016
Effects of levosimendan on systemic and regional hemodynamics in septic myocardial depression
A Morelli, S De Castro, JL Teboul, M Singer, M Rocco, G Conti, L De Luca, ...
Intensive care medicine 31, 638-644, 2005
Levosimendan: molecular mechanisms and clinical implications: consensus of experts on the mechanisms of action of levosimendan
Z Papp, I Édes, S Fruhwald, SG De Hert, M Salmenperä, H Leppikangas, ...
International journal of cardiology 159 (2), 82-87, 2012
Effects of levosimendan on right ventricular afterload in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a pilot study
A Morelli, JL Teboul, SM Maggiore, A Vieillard-Baron, M Rocco, G Conti, ...
Critical care medicine 34 (9), 2287-2293, 2006
Effects of levosimendan on mortality and hospitalization. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies
G Landoni, G Biondi-Zoccai, M Greco, T Greco, E Bignami, A Morelli, ...
Critical care medicine 40 (2), 634-646, 2012
Continuous terlipressin versus vasopressin infusion in septic shock (TERLIVAP): a randomized, controlled pilot study
A Morelli, C Ertmer, S Rehberg, M Lange, A Orecchioni, V Cecchini, ...
Critical care 13, 1-14, 2009
Levosimendan for resuscitating the microcirculation in patients with septic shock: a randomized controlled study
A Morelli, A Donati, C Ertmer, S Rehberg, M Lange, A Orecchioni, ...
Critical Care 14, 1-11, 2010
36th international symposium on intensive care and emergency medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 15-18 March 2016
RM Bateman, MD Sharpe, JE Jagger, CG Ellis, J Solé-Violán, ...
Critical care 20, 13-182, 2016
Phenylephrine versus norepinephrine for initial hemodynamic support of patients with septic shock: a randomized, controlled trial
A Morelli, C Ertmer, S Rehberg, M Lange, A Orecchioni, A Laderchi, ...
Critical care 12, 1-11, 2008
Current use of vasopressors in septic shock
TWL Scheeren, J Bakker, D De Backer, D Annane, P Asfar, EC Boerma, ...
Annals of intensive care 9, 1-12, 2019
Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory failure: a clinical review from an international group of experts
E Fan, L Gattinoni, A Combes, M Schmidt, G Peek, D Brodie, T Muller, ...
Intensive care medicine 42, 712-724, 2016
Predictors of outcome in ICU patients with septic shock caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase–producing K. pneumoniae
M Falcone, A Russo, A Iacovelli, G Restuccia, G Ceccarelli, A Giordano, ...
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 22 (5), 444-450, 2016
Noninvasive ventilation by helmet or face mask in immunocompromised patients: a case-control study
M Rocco, D Dell’Utri, A Morelli, G Spadetta, G Conti, M Antonelli, ...
Chest 126 (5), 1508-1515, 2004
Preconditioning effects of levosimendan in coronary artery bypass grafting—a pilot study
L Tritapepe, V De Santis, D Vitale, M Santulli, A Morelli, I Nofroni, ...
BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia 96 (6), 694-700, 2006
Randomized evidence for reduction of perioperative mortality
G Landoni, RN Rodseth, F Santini, M Ponschab, L Ruggeri, A Székely, ...
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia 26 (5), 764-772, 2012
Levosimendan beyond inotropy and acute heart failure: evidence of pleiotropic effects on the heart and other organs: an expert panel position paper
D Farmakis, J Alvarez, TB Gal, D Brito, F Fedele, C Fonseca, AC Gordon, ...
International Journal of Cardiology 222, 303-312, 2016
Microvascular effects of heart rate control with esmolol in patients with septic shock: a pilot study
A Morelli, A Donati, C Ertmer, S Rehberg, T Kampmeier, A Orecchioni, ...
Critical care medicine 41 (9), 2162-2168, 2013
Effects of terlipressin on systemic and regional haemodynamics in catecholamine-treated hyperkinetic septic shock
A Morelli, M Rocco, G Conti, A Orecchioni, A De Gaetano, G Cortese, ...
Intensive care medicine 30, 597-604, 2004
Prophylactic fenoldopam for renal protection in sepsis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial
A Morelli, Z Ricci, R Bellomo, C Ronco, M Rocco, G Conti, A De Gaetano, ...
Critical care medicine 33 (11), 2451-2456, 2005
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