Rohana Subasinghe
Rohana Subasinghe
Co-founder and Director, FUTUREFISH
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Disease and health management in Asian aquaculture
MG Bondad-Reantaso, RP Subasinghe, JR Arthur, K Ogawa, S Chinabut, ...
Veterinary parasitology 132 (3-4), 249-272, 2005
Feeding 9 billion by 2050–Putting fish back on the menu
C Béné, M Barange, R Subasinghe, P Pinstrup-Andersen, G Merino, ...
Food Security 7, 261-274, 2015
Global aquaculture and its role in sustainable development
R Subasinghe, D Soto, J Jia
Reviews in aquaculture 1 (1), 2-9, 2009
Sustaining healthy diets: The role of capture fisheries and aquaculture for improving nutrition in the post-2015 era
SH Thilsted, A Thorne-Lyman, P Webb, JR Bogard, R Subasinghe, ...
Food Policy 61, 126-131, 2016
Introductions and movement of Penaeus vannamei and Penaeus stylirostris in Asia and the Pacific
M Briggs, S Funge-Smith, R Subasinghe, M Phillips
RAP publication 10 (2004), 92, 2004
Use of fishery resources as feed inputs to aquaculture development: trends and policy implications
AGJ Tacon, MR Hasan, RP Subasinghe, FAO.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006
The role of crustacean fisheries and aquaculture in global food security: past, present and future
MG Bondad-Reantaso, RP Subasinghe, H Josupeit, J Cai, X Zhou
Journal of invertebrate pathology 110 (2), 158-165, 2012
Epidemiological approach to aquatic animal health management: opportunities and challenges for developing countries to increase aquatic production through aquaculture
RP Subasinghe
Preventive veterinary medicine 67 (2-3), 117-124, 2005
Asia diagnostic guide to aquatic animal diseases
MG Bondad-Reantaso, SE McGladdery, I East, RP Subasinghe
FAO;, 2001
Tilapias as alien aquatics in Asia and the Pacific: a review
SS De Silva
Food & Agriculture Org., 2004
Aquaculture development, health and wealth
RP Subasinghe, MG Bondad-Reantaso, SE McGladdery
2.2 Fish Health and Quarantine
R Subasinghe
Review of the State of World aquaculture, 45, 1997
Disease control and health management: aquaculture development, health and wealth
R Subasinghe, EM Bernoth
Aquaculture farmer organizations and cluster management: concepts and experiences
L Kassam, RP Subasinghe, M Phillips
Chemicals in Asian aquaculture: need, usage, issues and challenges
R Subasinghe, U Barg, A Tacon
Recent technological innovations in aquaculture
RP Subasinghe, D Curry, SE McGladdery, D Bartley
FAO Fisheries Circular 886, 85, 2003
Disease control in aquaculture and the responsible use of veterinary drugs and vaccines: the issues, prospects and challenges
R Subasinghe
Options Méditerranéennes 86, 5-11, 2009
Maximizing the contribution of fish to human nutrition
SH Thilsted, D James, J Toppe, RP Subasinghe, I Karunasagar
FAO, 2014
Immunological parameters of Javanese carp Puntius gonionotus (Bleeker) exposed to copper and challenged withAeromonas hydrophila
M Shariff, P Jayawardena, FM Yusoff, R Subasinghe
Fish & shellfish immunology 11 (4), 281-291, 2001
DNA-based molecular diagnostic techniques: research needs for standardization and validation of the detection of aquatic animal pathogens and diseases
P Walker, RP Subasinghe
Food & Agriculture Org., 2000
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Articles 1–20