Boris I. Prilutsky
Boris I. Prilutsky
Professor of Biological Sciences, Georgia Tech
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Optimization-based models of muscle coordination
BI Prilutsky, VM Zatsiorsky
Exercise and sport sciences reviews 30 (1), 32-38, 2002
Tendon action of two-joint muscles: transfer of mechanical energy between joints during jumping, landing, and running
BI Prilutsky, VM Zatsiorsky
Journal of biomechanics 27 (1), 25-34, 1994
Biomechanics of skeletal muscles
VM Zatsiorsky, BI Prilutsky
Human Kinetics, 2012
Coordination of two-and one-joint muscles: functional consequences and implications for motor control.
BI Prilutsky
Motor Control 4 (1), 1, 2000
Swing-and support-related muscle actions differentially trigger human walk–run and run–walk transitions
BI Prilutsky, RJ Gregor
Journal of Experimental Biology 204 (13), 2277, 2001
Gains in upper extremity function after stroke via recovery or compensation: Potential differential effects on amount of real-world limb use
PS Lum, S Mulroy, RL Amdur, P Requejo, BI Prilutsky, AW Dromerick
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 16 (4), 237-253, 2009
Sensitivity of predicted muscle forces to parameters of the optimization-based human leg model revealed by analytical and numerical analyses
RT Raikova, BI Prilutsky
Journal of biomechanics 34 (10), 1243-1255, 2001
Afferent control of locomotor CPG: insights from a simple neuromechanical model
SN Markin, AN Klishko, NA Shevtsova, MA Lemay, BI Prilutsky, IA Rybak
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1198 (1), 21-34, 2010
Mechanics of slope walking in the cat: quantification of muscle load, length change, and ankle extensor EMG patterns
RJ Gregor, DW Smith, BI Prilutsky
Journal of neurophysiology 95 (3), 1397, 2006
Modeling the spinal cord neural circuitry controlling cat hindlimb movement during locomotion
DG Ivashko, BI Prilutsky, SN Markin, JK Chapin, IA Rybak
Neurocomputing 52, 621-629, 2003
Analysis of muscle coordination strategies in cycling
BI Prilutsky, RJ Gregor
IEEE Transactions on rehabilitation engineering 8 (3), 362-370, 2000
Comparison of mechanical energy expenditure of joint moments and muscle forces during human locomotion
BI Prilutsky, LN Petrova, LM Raitsin
Journal of biomechanics 29 (4), 405-415, 1996
Coordination of two-joint rectus femoris and hamstrings during the swing phase of human walking and running
BI Prilutsky, RJ Gregor, MM Ryan
Experimental brain research 120 (4), 479-486, 1998
A dynamical systems analysis of afferent control in a neuromechanical model of locomotion: I. Rhythm generation
LE Spardy, SN Markin, NA Shevtsova, BI Prilutsky, IA Rybak, JE Rubin
Journal of neural engineering 8 (6), 065003, 2011
Forces of individual cat ankle extensor muscles during locomotion predicted using static optimization
BI Prilutsky, W Herzog, TL Allinger
Journal of biomechanics 30 (10), 1025-1033, 1997
Mechanical power and work of cat soleus, gastrocnemius and plantaris muscles during locomotion: possible functional significance of muscle design and force patterns.
BI Prilutsky, W Herzog, TL Allinger
Journal of experimental biology 199 (4), 801, 1996
Motoneuronal and muscle synergies involved in cat hindlimb control during fictive and real locomotion: a comparison study
SN Markin, MA Lemay, BI Prilutsky, IA Rybak
Journal of neurophysiology 107 (8), 2057-2071, 2012
Differences in movement mechanics, electromyographic, and motor cortex activity between accurate and nonaccurate stepping
IN Beloozerova, BJ Farrell, MG Sirota, BI Prilutsky
Journal of neurophysiology 103 (4), 2285-2300, 2010
A numerical procedure for inferring from experimental data the optimization cost functions using a multibody model of the neuro-musculoskeletal system
CL Bottasso, BI Prilutsky, A Croce, E Imberti, S Sartirana
Multibody System Dynamics 16, 123-154, 2006
A dynamical systems analysis of afferent control in a neuromechanical model of locomotion: II. Phase asymmetry
LE Spardy, SN Markin, NA Shevtsova, BI Prilutsky, IA Rybak, JE Rubin
Journal of Neural Engineering 8, 065004, 2011
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Articles 1–20