Post‐traumatic growth as positive personality change: Challenges, opportunities, and recommendations E Jayawickreme, FJ Infurna, K Alajak, LER Blackie, WJ Chopik, JM Chung, ... Journal of personality 89 (1), 145-165, 2021 | 345 | 2021 |
Midlife in the 2020s: Opportunities and challenges. FJ Infurna, D Gerstorf, ME Lachman American Psychologist 75 (4), 470, 2020 | 327 | 2020 |
Mental work demands, retirement, and longitudinal trajectories of cognitive functioning. GG Fisher, A Stachowski, FJ Infurna, JD Faul, J Grosch, LE Tetrick Journal of occupational health psychology 19 (2), 231, 2014 | 318 | 2014 |
Resilience To Major Life Stressors is Not as Common as Thought FJ Infurna, SS Luthar Perspectives on Psychological Science 11 (2), 175-194, 2016 | 243 | 2016 |
Long-term antecedents and outcomes of perceived control. FJ Infurna, D Gerstorf, N Ram, J Schupp, GG Wagner Psychology and aging 26 (3), 559, 2011 | 242 | 2011 |
Fixing the growth illusion: New directions for research in resilience and posttraumatic growth FJ Infurna, E Jayawickreme Current Directions in Psychological Science 28 (2), 152-158, 2019 | 235 | 2019 |
Re-evaluating the notion that resilience is commonplace: A review and distillation of directions for future research, practice, and policy FJ Infurna, SS Luthar Clinical psychology review 65, 43-56, 2018 | 188 | 2018 |
Perceived control reduces mortality risk at low, not high, education levels. NA Turiano, BP Chapman, S Agrigoroaei, FJ Infurna, M Lachman Health psychology 33 (8), 883, 2014 | 162 | 2014 |
The Multidimensional Nature of Resilience to Spousal Loss FJ Infurna, SS Luthar American Psychological Association, 2016 | 148 | 2016 |
The nature and cross-domain correlates of subjective age in the oldest old: Evidence from the OCTO Study. FJ Infurna, D Gerstorf, S Robertson, S Berg, SH Zarit Psychology and Aging 25 (2), 470, 2010 | 144 | 2010 |
Childhood trauma and personal mastery: Their influence on emotional reactivity to everyday events in a community sample of middle-aged adults FJ Infurna, CT Rivers, J Reich, AJ Zautra PloS one 10 (4), e0121840, 2015 | 139 | 2015 |
Level and change in perceived control predict 19-year mortality: Findings from the Americans’ changing lives study. FJ Infurna, N Ram, D Gerstorf Developmental Psychology 49 (10), 1833, 2013 | 134 | 2013 |
Examining dynamic links between perceived control and health: longitudinal evidence for differential effects in midlife and old age. FJ Infurna, D Gerstorf, SH Zarit Developmental psychology 47 (1), 9, 2011 | 119 | 2011 |
Perceived control relates to better functional health and lower cardio-metabolic risk: the mediating role of physical activity. FJ Infurna, D Gerstorf Health psychology 33 (1), 85, 2014 | 112 | 2014 |
Perceived control: Theory, research, and practice in the first 50 years JW Reich, FJ Infurna Oxford University Press, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |
Job strain and trajectories of change in episodic memory before and after retirement: results from the Health and Retirement Study R Andel, FJ Infurna, EAH Rickenbach, M Crowe, L Marchiondo, GG Fisher J Epidemiol Community Health 69 (5), 442-446, 2015 | 101 | 2015 |
Perceived personal control buffers terminal decline in well-being. D Gerstorf, J Heckhausen, N Ram, FJ Infurna, J Schupp, GG Wagner Psychology and Aging 29 (3), 612, 2014 | 100 | 2014 |
Mapping developmental changes in perceived parent–adolescent relationship quality throughout middle school and high school AM Ebbert, FJ Infurna, SS Luthar Development and psychopathology 31 (4), 1541-1556, 2019 | 94 | 2019 |
The effects of constraints and mastery on mental and physical health: Conceptual and methodological considerations. FJ Infurna, A Mayer Psychology and aging 30 (2), 432, 2015 | 90 | 2015 |
Changes in life satisfaction when losing one's spouse: Individual differences in anticipation, reaction, adaptation and longevity in the German Socio-economic Panel Study (SOEP) FJ Infurna, M Wiest, D Gerstorf, N Ram, J Schupp, GG Wagner, ... Ageing & Society 37 (5), 899-934, 2017 | 85 | 2017 |