Xukan Ran
Cited by
Cited by
Deep learning with edge computing: A review
J Chen, X Ran
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (8), 1655-1674, 2019
Deepdecision: A mobile deep learning framework for edge video analytics
X Ran, H Chen, X Zhu, Z Liu, J Chen
IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE conference on computer communications, 1421-1429, 2018
Frugal following: Power thrifty object detection and tracking for mobile augmented reality
K Apicharttrisorn, X Ran, J Chen, SV Krishnamurthy, AK Roy-Chowdhury
Proceedings of the 17th conference on embedded networked sensor systems, 96-109, 2019
Delivering deep learning to mobile devices via offloading
X Ran, H Chen, Z Liu, J Chen
Proceedings of the Workshop on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Network …, 2017
ShareAR: Communication-efficient multi-user mobile augmented reality
X Ran, C Slocum, M Gorlatova, J Chen
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 109-116, 2019
Multi-user augmented reality with communication efficient and spatially consistent virtual objects
X Ran, C Slocum, YZ Tsai, K Apicharttrisorn, M Gorlatova, J Chen
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on emerging Networking …, 2020
SLAM-share: visual simultaneous localization and mapping for real-time multi-user augmented reality
A Dhakal, X Ran, Y Wang, J Chen, KK Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on emerging Networking …, 2022
RealityCheck: A tool to evaluate spatial inconsistency in augmented reality
C Slocum, X Ran, J Chen
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 58-65, 2021
Networked architectures for localization-based multi-user augmented reality
J Chen, KK Ramakrishnan, A Dhakazl, X Ran
IEEE Communications Magazine 61 (12), 104-110, 2023
Augmented Reality on the Network Edge
X Ran
University of California, Riverside, 2021
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Articles 1–10