Determining legislative preferences on the minimum wage: An economic approach JI Silberman, GC Durden Journal of Political Economy 84 (2), 317-329, 1976 | 312 | 1976 |
Determinants of scholarly productivity among male and female economists KL Maske, GC Durden, PE Gaynor Economic inquiry 41 (4), 555-564, 2003 | 150 | 2003 |
The rational behavior theory of voter participation: The evidence from congressional elections J Silberman, G Durden Public Choice, 101-108, 1975 | 145 | 1975 |
Coauthorship and publication efficiency GC Durden, TJ Perri Atlantic economic journal 23 (1), 69-76, 1995 | 109 | 1995 |
The effects of interest group pressure on coal strip-mining legislation G Durden, J Shogren, J Silberman Social Science Quarterly 72 (2), 239-250, 1991 | 69 | 1991 |
Is class attendance a proxy variable for student motivation in economics classes? An empirical analysis G Durden, L Ellis International Social Science Review 78 (1/2), 42-46, 2003 | 48 | 2003 |
More on the cost of being other than white and male: Measurement of race, ethnic, and gender effects on yearly earnings GC Durden, PE Gaynor American Journal of Economics and Sociology 57 (1), 95-103, 1998 | 46 | 1998 |
The rational behavior theory of voting participation: Evidence from the 1970 and 1982 elections GC Durden, P Gaynor Public Choice 53 (3), 231-242, 1987 | 46 | 1987 |
Why economists rank their journals the way they do LV Ellis, GC Durden Journal of Economics and Business 43 (3), 265-270, 1991 | 40 | 1991 |
A method for identifying the most influential articles in an academic discipline GC Durden, LV Ellis Atlantic Economic Journal 21 (4), 1-10, 1993 | 38 | 1993 |
The determinant’s of florida tourist flows: a gravity model approach GC Durden, J Silberman Review of Regional studies 5 (3), 31-41, 1975 | 38 | 1975 |
The distribution of individual income in the US and public sector employment GC Durden, AV Schwarz-Miller Social Science Quarterly 63 (1), 39, 1982 | 29 | 1982 |
The contributions and impact of Professor William H. Riker K Maske, G Durden Public Choice 117 (1), 191-220, 2003 | 24 | 2003 |
Valuing non-market recreation goods: an evaluative survey of the literature on the travel cost and contingent valuation methods G Durden, JF Shogren The Review of Regional Studies 18 (3), 1, 1988 | 22 | 1988 |
The effect of government size on economic growth: evidence from gross state product data G Durden, B Elledge Review of Regional Studies 23 (2), 183-190, 1993 | 21 | 1993 |
Gordon Tullock: His journal and his scholarship GC Durden, LV Ellis, SW Millsaps Public Choice 71, 171-196, 1991 | 21 | 1991 |
The first 15 years: contributors and contributions to the journal of environmental economics and management, 1974–19881 JF Shogren, GC Durden Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 20 (3), 205-209, 1991 | 21 | 1991 |
An analysis of contributions and contributors in economic education research JW Marlin, GC Durden The Journal of Economic Education 24 (2), 171-186, 1993 | 16 | 1993 |
The Impact of the Repeat‐Voting‐Habit Persistence Phenomenon on the Probability of Voting in Presidential Elections RJ Cebula, GC Durden, PE Gaynor Southern Economic Journal 75 (2), 429-440, 2008 | 15 | 2008 |
The effect of rent-seeking on family income levels: Some suggestive empirical evidence G Durden Public Choice, 285-291, 1990 | 15 | 1990 |