Kate Bellamy
Kate Bellamy
Postdoctoral Researcher, Leiden University
確認したメール アドレス: hum.leidenuniv.nl
Investigating gender assignment strategies in mixed Purepecha–Spanish nominal constructions
K Bellamy, MC Parafita Couto, H Stadthagen-Gonzalez
Languages 3 (3), 28, 2018
L1 effects as manifestations of individual differences in the L2 acquisition of the Spanish tense-aspect-system
T Diaubalick, P Guijarro-Fuentes
Multidisciplinary approaches to bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone …, 2017
The areal typology of western Middle and South America: Towards a comprehensive view
M Urban, H Reyes-Centeno, K Bellamy, M Pache
Linguistics 57 (6), 1403-1463, 2019
Code-switching at the interface between language, culture, and cognition
MCP Couto, MG Romeli, K Bellamy
Lapurdum, 2021
Gender assignment in mixed noun phrases
K Bellamy, MCP Couto
The Acquisition of Gender: Crosslinguistic perspectives 63, 13, 2022
On the external relations of Purepecha: an investigation into classification, contact and patterns of word formation
KR Bellamy
Leiden University, 2018
Biliteracy development in Mexican primary education: analysing written expression in P’urhepecha and Spanish
C Groff, K Bellamy
The Language Learning Journal 48 (3), 285-299, 2020
Obliteration after vocabulary insertion
D Vergara, L López, K Bellamy, MW Child, P González, A Muntendam
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone …, 2017
Hedging verbs and nouns using an alternative semantics
C Anderson, M Kohlberger, K Bellamy, E Dutton
Proceedings of ConSOLE XXI 1, 20, 2013
Él Code-Switches More Than tú y yo: New Data for the Subject Pronoun-Verb Switch Constraint
K Bellamy, H Stadthagen-Gonzalez, MC Parafita Couto
Languages 7 (1), 22, 2022
Expressions of quantity in the Amanuban dialect of Uab Meto
Y Metboki, K Bellamy
Number and quantity in East Nusantara 1, 60-78, 2014
When semantics and phonology collide: Gender assignment in mixed Tsova-Tush–Georgian nominal constructions
K Bellamy, J Wichers Schreur
International Journal of Bilingualism 26 (3), 257-285, 2022
Theoretical linguistic approaches to multilingual code-switching
M Parafita Couto, KR Bellamy, FK Ameka, J Cabrelli, A Chaouch-Orozco, ...
The Cambridge Handbook of third language acquisition and processing, 403-436, 2023
Investigating interaction between South America and West Mexico through the lexicon of metallurgy
K Bellamy
Digging for Words: Archaeolinguistic case studies from the XV Nordic TAG …, 2018
Multidisciplinary approaches to bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone world
K Bellamy, A Muntendam, P González, MW Child
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2017
Orientation shifting in English high adverbs: evidence for the representation of discourse participants in the structure
R Woods, M Kohlberger, K Bellamy, E Dutton
Proceedings of ConSOLE XXII. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, 2014
Gender strategies in the perception and production of mixed nominal constructions by New Mexico Spanish-English bilinguals
M Cisneros, E Rodríguez-González, K Bellamy, MCP Couto
Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 9 (2), 1-30, 2023
Consistent definitions matter! Problematising the ‘heritage’labels in bilingualism research
K Bellamy, B van Osch, MC Parafita Couto
Let me count the ways it stinks: A typology of olfactory terms in Purepecha (Mexico)
K Bellamy
The linguistics of olfaction: Typological and diachronic approaches to …, 2021
Re-evaluating the ‘numeral classifier’system in Mochica
K Bellamy
LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas 18 (1), 81-98, 2018
論文 1–20