Babak Seyfe
Babak Seyfe
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
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Pareto-efficient and goal-driven power control in wireless networks: A game-theoretic approach with a novel pricing scheme
M Rasti, AR Sharafat, B Seyfe
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 17 (2), 556-569, 2009
Multiuser modulation classification based on cumulants in additive white Gaussian noise channel
M Zaerin, B Seyfe
IET Signal Processing 6 (9), 815-823, 2012
Perfect secrecy via compressed sensing
MR Mayiami, B Seyfe, HG Bafghi
2013 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory, 1-5, 2013
Novel approach to adjust the step size for closed-loop power control in wireless cellular code division multiple access systems under flat fading
H Saghaei, B Seyfe, H Bakhshi, R Bayat
IET communications 5 (11), 1469-1483, 2011
Signal enumeration in Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise using entropy estimation of eigenvalues
H Asadi, B Seyfe
Digital Signal Processing 78, 163-174, 2018
Jointly optimized rate and outer loop power control with single-and multi-user detection
F Zarringhalam, B Seyfe, M Shikh-Bahaei, G Charbit, H Aghvami
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (1), 186-195, 2009
MR-BART: multi-rate available bandwidth estimation in real-time
M Sedighizad, B Seyfe, K Navaie
Proceedings of the 3nd ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and …, 2008
A new choice of penalty function for robust multiuser detection based on M-estimation
B Seyfe, S Valaee
IEEE transactions on communications 53 (2), 224-227, 2005
An improved gossiping data distribution technique with emphasis on Reliability and Resource Constraints
S Kheiri, MBG Goushchi, M Rafiee, B Seyfe
2009 WRI International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing 2 …, 2009
Cognitive interference channel with two confidential messages
HG Bafghi, S Salimi, B Seyfe, MR Aref
2010 International Symposium On Information Theory & Its Applications, 952-956, 2010
New approach to closed-loop power control in cellular CDMA systems under multipath fading
H Saghaei, B Seyfe
2008 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and …, 2008
Nonparametric multiuser detection in non-Gaussian channels
B Seyfe, AR Sharafat
IEEE transactions on signal processing 54 (1), 23-33, 2005
Signed-rank nonparametric multiuser detection in non-Gaussian channels
B Seyfe, AR Sharafat
IEEE transactions on information theory 51 (4), 1478-1486, 2005
On the secrecy of the cognitive interference channel with partial channel states
HG Bafghi, B Seyfe, M Mirmohseni, MR Aref
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 27 (11), 1472-1485, 2016
A game-theoretic approach based on pricing scheme on the two-user Gaussian interference channel
AE Khani, B Seyfe
2014 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT), 1-6, 2014
Modulation classification in the presence of interference
M Zaerin, B Seyfe, H reza Nikoofar
2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent …, 2009
Gradients of the fundamental information measures: Theory and applications
M Sedighizad, B Seyfe
Signal Processing 162, 296-306, 2019
Power control with diversity antenna arrays in CDMA wireless cellular systems under multipath fading
H Saghaei, B Seyfe
2008 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and …, 2008
Reducing the computational complexity of learning with random convolutional features
MA Omidi, B Seyfe, S Valaee
ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2023
Adaptive PSAM in SIMO systems with imperfect CSI in Rayleigh fading channels
R Barazideh, B Seyfe
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Hybrid Information …, 2009
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Articles 1–20