Yan Bai  白燕
Yan Bai 白燕
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Veri-wild: A large dataset and a new method for vehicle re-identification in the wild
Y Lou, Y Bai, J Liu, S Wang, L Duan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Group-sensitive triplet embedding for vehicle reidentification
Y Bai, Y Lou, F Gao, S Wang, Y Wu, LY Duan
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (9), 2385-2399, 2018
Embedding adversarial learning for vehicle re-identification
Y Lou, Y Bai, J Liu, S Wang, LY Duan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (8), 3794-3807, 2019
Compact descriptors for video analysis: The emerging MPEG standard
LY Duan, Y Lou, Y Bai, T Huang, W Gao, V Chandrasekhar, J Lin, S Wang, ...
IEEE multimedia 26 (2), 44-54, 2018
Dual-refinement: Joint label and feature refinement for unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification
Y Dai, J Liu, Y Bai, Z Tong, LY Duan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 7815-7829, 2021
Decorate the newcomers: Visual domain prompt for continual test time adaptation
Y Gan, Y Bai, Y Lou, X Ma, R Zhang, N Shi, L Luo
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (6), 7595-7603, 2023
Incorporating intra-class variance to fine-grained visual recognition
Y Bai, F Gag, Y Lou, S Wang, T Huang, LY Duan
2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1452-1457, 2017
Federated learning for non-iid data via unified feature learning and optimization objective alignment
L Zhang, Y Luo, Y Bai, B Du, LY Duan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Person30k: A dual-meta generalization network for person re-identification
Y Bai, J Jiao, W Ce, J Liu, Y Lou, X Feng, LY Duan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
Hnip: Compact deep invariant representations for video matching, localization, and retrieval
J Lin, LY Duan, S Wang, Y Bai, Y Lou, V Chandrasekhar, T Huang, A Kot, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 19 (9), 1968-1983, 2017
Compact deep invariant descriptors for video retrieval
Y Lou, Y Bai, J Lin, S Wang, J Chen, V Chandrasekhar, LY Duan, ...
2017 Data Compression Conference (DCC), 420-429, 2017
Disentangled feature learning network and a comprehensive benchmark for vehicle re-identification
Y Bai, J Liu, Y Lou, C Wang, LY Duan
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44 (10), 6854 …, 2021
Hierarchical connectivity-centered clustering for unsupervised domain adaptation on person re-identification
Y Bai, C Wang, Y Lou, J Liu, LY Duan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 6715-6729, 2021
Disentangled Feature Learning Network for Vehicle Re-Identification.
Y Bai, Y Lou, Y Dai, J Liu, Z Chen, LY Duan, I Pillar
IJCAI, 474-480, 2020
From part to whole: who is behind the painting?
D Ma, F Gao, Y Bai, Y Lou, S Wang, T Huang, LY Duan
Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1174-1182, 2017
Front-end smart visual sensing and back-end intelligent analysis: A unified infrastructure for economizing the visual system of city brain
Y Lou, LY Duan, S Wang, Z Chen, Y Bai, C Chen, W Gao
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (7), 1489-1503, 2019
Multi-scale context attention network for image retrieval
Y Lou, Y Bai, S Wang, LY Duan
Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1128-1136, 2018
Deep product quantization module for efficient image retrieval
M Liu, Y Dai, Y Bai, LY Duan
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Neighborhood consensus contrastive learning for backward-compatible representation
S Wu, L Chen, Y Lou, Y Bai, T Bai, M Deng, LY Duan
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (3), 2722-2730, 2022
Dual-tuning: Joint prototype transfer and structure regularization for compatible feature learning
Y Bai, J Jiao, Y Lou, S Wu, J Liu, X Feng, LY Duan
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 25, 7287-7298, 2022
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Articles 1–20