Jian Yu
Cited by
Cited by
Trust management of services in cloud environments: Obstacles and solutions
TH Noor, QZ Sheng, S Zeadally, J Yu
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 46 (1), 1-30, 2013
Unified collaborative and content-based web service recommendation
L Yao, QZ Sheng, AHH Ngu, J Yu, A Segev
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 8 (3), 453-466, 2014
Recommending web services via combining collaborative filtering with content-based features
L Yao, QZ Sheng, A Segev, J Yu
2013 IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services, 42-49, 2013
Pattern based property specification and verification for service composition
J Yu, TP Manh, J Han, Y Jin, Y Han, J Wang
Web Information Systems–WISE 2006: 7th International Conference on Web …, 2006
Science in the cloud: Allocation and execution of data-intensive scientific workflows
C Szabo, QZ Sheng, T Kroeger, Y Zhang, J Yu
Journal of Grid Computing 12, 245-264, 2014
Superposition graph neural network for offshore wind power prediction
M Yu, Z Zhang, X Li, J Yu, J Gao, Z Liu, B You, X Zheng, R Yu
Future Generation Computer Systems 113, 145-157, 2020
RFID enabled traceability networks: a survey
Y Wu, DC Ranasinghe, QZ Sheng, S Zeadally, J Yu
Distributed and Parallel Databases 29, 397-443, 2011
面向服务的计算: 原理和应用
喻坚, 韩燕波
清华大学出版社, 2006
Engineering the mechanical and biological properties of nanofibrous vascular grafts for in situ vascular tissue engineering
JJD Henry, J Yu, A Wang, R Lee, J Fang, S Li
Biofabrication 9 (3), 035007, 2017
S-ABC: A paradigm of service domain-oriented artificial bee colony algorithms for service selection and composition
X Xu, Z Liu, Z Wang, QZ Sheng, J Yu, X Wang
Future Generation Computer Systems 68, 304-319, 2017
Geographic-aware collaborative filtering for web service recommendation
KA Botangen, J Yu, QZ Sheng, Y Han, S Yongchareon
Expert Systems with Applications 151, 113347, 2020
ContextServ: A platform for rapid and flexible development of context-aware Web services
QZ Sheng, S Pohlenz, J Yu, HS Wong, AHH Ngu, Z Maamar
2009 IEEE 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, 619-622, 2009
Multi-intention oriented contrastive learning for sequential recommendation
X Li, A Sun, M Zhao, J Yu, K Zhu, D Jin, M Yu, R Yu
Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM international conference on web search and …, 2023
A survey on device-free indoor localization and tracking in the multi-resident environment
K Ngamakeur, S Yongchareon, J Yu, SU Rehman
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (4), 1-29, 2020
User-centric social context information management: an ontology-based approach and platform
MA Kabir, J Han, J Yu, A Colman
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 18, 1061-1083, 2014
A semantically enhanced service repository for user-centric service discovery and management
J Yu, QZ Sheng, J Han, Y Wu, C Liu
Data & Knowledge Engineering 72, 202-218, 2012
A user-centric service creation approach for Next Generation Networks
JC Yelmo, JM Del Alamo, R Trapero, P Falcarm, J Yi, B Cairo, C Baladrón
Innovations in NGN: Future Network and Services, 2008. K-INGN 2008. First …, 2008
A service-based approach to traffic sensor data integration and analysis to support community-wide green commute in China
Y Han, G Wang, J Yu, C Liu, Z Zhang, M Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (9), 2648-2657, 2015
A view framework for modeling and change validation of artifact-centric inter-organizational business processes
S Yongchareon, J Yu, X Zhao
Information systems 47, 51-81, 2015
Synthesizing service composition models on the basis of temporal business rules
J Yu, YB Han, J Han, Y Jin, P Falcarin, M Morisio
Journal of computer science and technology 23 (6), 885-894, 2008
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Articles 1–20