Perttu Hämäläinen
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Cited by
Evaluating large language models in generating synthetic hci research data: a case study
P Hämäläinen, M Tavast, A Kunnari
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
RT-RRT: a real-time path planning algorithm based on RRT
K Naderi, J Rajamäki, P Hämäläinen
Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games, 113-118, 2015
Martial arts in artificial reality
P Hämäläinen, T Ilmonen, J Höysniemi, M Lindholm, A Nykänen
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2005
Using peer tutoring in evaluating the usability of a physically interactive computer game with children
J Höysniemi, P Hämäläinen, L Turkki
Interacting with Computers 15 (2), 203-225, 2003
Wizard of Oz prototyping of computer vision based action games for children
J Höysniemi, P Hämäläinen, L Turkki
Proceedings of the 2004 conference on Interaction design and children …, 2004
Using heart rate to control an interactive game
V Nenonen, A Lindblad, V Häkkinen, T Laitinen, M Jouhtio, P Hämäläinen
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2007
Children's intuitive gestures in vision-based action games
J Höysniemi, P Hämäläinen, L Turkki, T Rouvi
Communications of the ACM 48 (1), 44-50, 2005
The Augmented Climbing Wall: High-Exertion Proximity Interaction on a Wall-Sized Interactive Surface
R Kajastila, L Holsti, P Hämäläinen
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2016
Online Control of Simulated Humanoids Using Particle Belief Propagation
P Hämäläinen, J Rajamäki, CK Liu
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2015
Augmented climbing: interacting with projected graphics on a climbing wall
R Kajastila, P Hämäläinen
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1279-1284, 2014
Online Motion Synthesis Using Sequential Monte Carlo
P Hämäläinen, S Eriksson, E Tanskanen, V Kyrki, J Lehtinen
SIGGRAPH 2014, 2014
PPO-CMA: Proximal policy optimization with covariance matrix adaptation
P Hämäläinen, A Babadi, X Ma, J Lehtinen
2020 IEEE 30th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal …, 2020
Latency tolerance for gesture controlled continuous sound instrument without tactile feedback
T Mäki-Patola, P Hämäläinen
Proc. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 1-5, 2004
Generating role-playing game quests with GPT language models
S Värtinen, P Hämäläinen, C Guckelsberger
IEEE transactions on games 16 (1), 127-139, 2022
Shadow boxer: a physically interactive fitness game
J Höysniemi, A Aula, P Auvinen, J Hännikäinen, P Hämäläinen
Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction …, 2004
Automated excavator based on reinforcement learning and multibody system dynamics
I Kurinov, G Orzechowski, P Hämäläinen, A Mikkola
IEEE Access 8, 213998-214006, 2020
Interactive video mirrors for sports training
P Hämäläinen
Proceedings of the third Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction …, 2004
Voluntary pupil size change as control in eyes only interaction
I Ekman, A Poikola, M Mäkäräinen, T Takala, P Hämäläinen
Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Eye tracking research & applications …, 2008
Musical computer games played by singing
P Hämäläinen, T Mäki-Patola, V Pulkki, M Airas
Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’04), Naples, 2004
Predicting Mid-Air Interaction Movements and Fatigue Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
N Cheema, LA Frey-Law, K Naderi, J Lehtinen, P Slusallek, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
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Articles 1–20