ingrid tulp
ingrid tulp
Marine Ecologist, Wageningen Marine Research
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Assessing the development of shorebird eggs using the flotation method: species-specific and generalized regression models
JR Liebezeit, PA Smith, RB Lanctot, H Schekkerman, I Tulp, SJ Kendall, ...
The Condor 109 (1), 32-47, 2007
Has prey availability for arctic birds advanced with climate change? Hindcasting the abundance of tundra arthropods using weather and seasonal variation
I Tulp, H Schekkerman
Arctic, 48-60, 2008
An evaluation of intertidal feeding habitats from a shorebird perspective: towards relevant comparisons between temperate and tropical mudflats
T Piersma, P de Goeij, I Tulp
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 31 (4), 503-512, 1993
Mechanisms promoting higher growth rate in arctic than in temperate shorebirds
H Schekkerman, I Tulp, T Piersma, GH Visser
Oecologia 134, 332-342, 2003
Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic
SC Davidson, G Bohrer, E Gurarie, S LaPoint, PJ Mahoney, NT Boelman, ...
Science 370 (6517), 712-715, 2020
Resources for long-distance migration of knots Calidris canutus islandica and C. c. canutus: how broad is the temporal exploitation window of benthic prey in the western and …
T Piersma, Y Verkuil, I Tulp
Oikos, 393-407, 1994
High daily energy expenditure of incubating shorebirds on High Arctic tundra: a circumpolar study
T Piersma, Å Lindström, RH Drent, I Tulp, J Jukema, RIG Morrison, ...
Functional Ecology 17 (3), 356-362, 2003
Signals from the shallows: in search of common patterns in long-term trends in Dutch estuarine and coastal fish
I Tulp, LJ Bolle, AD Rijnsdorp
Journal of Sea Research 60 (1-2), 54-73, 2008
Time allocation between feeding and incubation in uniparental arctic‐breeding shorebirds: energy reserves provide leeway in a tight schedule
I Tulp, H Schekkerman
Journal of Avian Biology 37 (3), 207-218, 2006
Shorebird incubation behaviour and its influence on the risk of nest predation
PA Smith, I Tulp, H Schekkerman, HG Gilchrist, MR Forbes
Animal Behaviour 84 (4), 835-842, 2012
Patterns and processes of habitat-specific demographic variability in exploited marine species
RP Vasconcelos, DB Eggleston, O Le Pape, I Tulp
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (3), 638-647, 2014
The role of the invasive bivalve Ensis directus as food source for fish and birds in the Dutch coastal zone
I Tulp, J Craeymeersch, M Leopold, C van Damme, F Fey, H Verdaat
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 90 (3), 116-128, 2010
Evaluating the effect of fishery closures: lessons learnt from the Plaice Box
D Beare, AD Rijnsdorp, M Blaesberg, U Damm, J Egekvist, H Fock, ...
Journal of Sea Research 84, 49-60, 2013
Nocturnal flight activity of sea ducks near the windfarm Tunø Knob in the Kattegat
I Tulp, H Schekkerman, JK Larsen, J Van der Winden, ...
IBN-DLO Report 99, 64, 1999
Evaluating wader habitats in Roebuck Bay (north-western Australia) as a springboard for northbound migration in waders, with a focus on Great Knots
I Tulp, P Degoeij
Emu 94 (2), 78-95, 1994
Migratory departures of waders from north-western Australia: behaviour, timing and possible migration routes
I TULp, S McChesney, P de Goeij
Ardea 82 (2), 201-221, 1994
Flexibility in otherwise consistent non-breeding movements of a long-distance migratory seabird, the long-tailed skua
R van Bemmelen, B Moe, SA Hanssen, NM Schmidt, J Hansen, J Lang, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 578, 197-211, 2017
Do Uniparental Sanderlings Calidris alba Increase Egg Heat Input to Compensate for Low Nest Attentiveness?
J Reneerkens, K Grond, H Schekkerman, I Tulp, T Piersma
PLOS one 6 (2), e16834, 2011
Breeding waders at Cape Sterlegova, northern Taimyr, in 1994
I Tulp, H Schekkerman, T Piersma, J Jukema, J van de Kam
Stichting Wiwo, 1998
Studies on breeding shorebirds at Medusa Bay, Taimyr, in summer 2001
I Tulp, H Schekkerman
Alterra, 2001
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Articles 1–20