Nina Kahma
Nina Kahma
PhD, Docent (Economic sociology), Principal Investigator, University of Helsinki
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Suomalainen maku: Kulttuuripääoma, kulutus ja elämäntyylien sosiaalinen eriytyminen
S Purhonen, J Gronow, R Heikkilä, N Kahma, K Rahkonen, A Toikka
Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press, 2014
Eating sustainably? Practices and background factors of ecological food consumption in four Nordic countries
M Niva, J Mäkelä, N Kahma, U Kjærnes
Journal of Consumer Policy 37, 465-484, 2014
Sport and social class: The case of Finland
N Kahma
International Review for the Sociology of sport 47 (1), 113-130, 2012
The rejection of innovations? Rethinking technology diffusion and the non-use of smart energy services in Finland
N Kahma, K Matschoss
Energy Research & Social Science 34, 27-36, 2017
Yhteiskuntaluokka ja maku
N Kahma
Sosiaalitieteiden laitoksen julkaisuja 8, 2011, 2011
Cultural map of Finland 2007: Analysing cultural differences using multiple correspondence analysis
N Kahma, A Toikka
Cultural Trends 21 (2), 113-131, 2012
Food choices, perceptions of healthiness, and eating motives of self-identified followers of a low-carbohydrate diet
P Jallinoja, M Niva, S Helakorpi, N Kahma
Food & Nutrition Research 58 (1), 23552, 2014
Everyday distinction and omnivorous orientation: An analysis of food choice, attitudinal dispositions and social background
N Kahma, M Niva, S Helakorpi, P Jallinoja
Appetite 96, 443-453, 2016
The food we eat in Nordic countries-some changes between 1997 and 2012
L Holm, DS Lauridsen, J Gronow, N Kahma, U Kjærnes, TB Lund, ...
Mat är mer än mat: Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv på mat och maltider, 227-246, 2015
Keskiluokan valossa: suomalaisten luokkasamastuminen empiirisessä tarkastelussa
N Kahma
Sosiologia 47 (2), 81-96, 2010
Open e-learning platforms and the design–reality gap: an affordance theory perspective
S McCarthy, W Rowan, N Kahma, L Lynch, TP Ertiö
Information Technology & People 35 (8), 74-98, 2021
Pioneering customers as change agents for new energy efficiency services—an empirical study in the Finnish electricity markets
K Matschoss, N Kahma, E Heiskanen
Energy Efficiency 8, 827-843, 2015
Associations between meal complexity and social context in four Nordic countries
N Kahma, J Mäkelä, M Niva, TB Lund
Anthropology of food, 2014
Convenience food consumption in the Nordic countries and St. Petersburg area
N Kahma, J Mäkelä, M Niva, E Ganskau, V Minina
International Journal of Consumer Studies 40 (4), 492-500, 2016
Defining legitimate taste in Finland: Does mother tongue matter
R Heikkilä, N Kahma
Research on Finnish society 1 (1), 31-44, 2008
FIT4RRI, Project Report on the Literature Review, Deliverable 1.1 (public), December 31st, 2017
L d’Andrea, FL Marta, N Kahma, S Vase
Cultural capital and social differentiation in contemporary Finland: An international comparison
K Rahkonen, K Haatanen, S Purhonen, N Kahma, R Heikkilä
Unpublished research plan, 2006
Joustava vanhuuseläkeikä: Työnantaja-ja työntekijäkyselyihin perustuva tutkimus joustavan eläkeiän toimivuudesta
E Tuominen, K Tuominen, N Kahma
Eläketurvakeskus, 2012
Luottamus eläketurvaan
N Kahma, M Takala
Eläketurvakeskus, 2012
Eating sustainably
M Niva, J Mäkelä, N Kahma, U Kjaernes
Everyday eating in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden: A comparative study …, 2019
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