Chiara Saggese
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Cited by
Kinetic modeling of particle size distribution of soot in a premixed burner-stabilized stagnation ethylene flame
C Saggese, S Ferrario, J Camacho, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, E Ranzi, ...
Combustion and Flame 162 (9), 3356-3369, 2015
ICTAC Kinetics Committee recommendations for analysis of thermal decomposition kinetics
N Koga, S Vyazovkin, AK Burnham, L Favergeon, NV Muravyev, ...
Thermochimica Acta 719, 179384, 2023
Mobility size and mass of nascent soot particles in a benchmark premixed ethylene flame
J Camacho, C Liu, C Gu, H Lin, Z Huang, Q Tang, X You, C Saggese, Y Li, ...
Combustion and Flame 162 (10), 3810-3822, 2015
A wide range kinetic modeling study of pyrolysis and oxidation of benzene
C Saggese, A Frassoldati, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, E Ranzi
Combustion and flame 160 (7), 1168-1190, 2013
Kinetic modeling study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and soot formation in acetylene pyrolysis
C Saggese, NE Sánchez, A Frassoldati, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, MU Alzueta, ...
Energy & fuels 28 (2), 1489-1501, 2014
Modeling soot formation in premixed flames using an extended conditional quadrature method of moments
S Salenbauch, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, C Saggese, T Faravelli, C Hasse
Combustion and Flame 162 (6), 2529-2543, 2015
A lumped approach to the kinetic modeling of pyrolysis and combustion of biodiesel fuels
C Saggese, A Frassoldati, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, E Ranzi
Proceedings of the combustion institute 34 (1), 427-434, 2013
Autoignition and preliminary heat release of gasoline surrogates and their blends with ethanol at engine-relevant conditions: Experiments and comprehensive kinetic modeling
S Cheng, C Saggese, D Kang, SS Goldsborough, SW Wagnon, ...
Combustion and Flame 228, 57-77, 2021
Probe effects in soot sampling from a burner-stabilized stagnation flame
C Saggese, A Cuoci, A Frassoldati, S Ferrario, J Camacho, H Wang, ...
Combustion and Flame 167, 184-197, 2016
Flame-formed carbon nanoparticles exhibit quantum dot behaviors
C Liu, AV Singh, C Saggese, Q Tang, D Chen, K Wan, M Vinciguerra, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (26), 12692-12697, 2019
A wide range kinetic modeling study of pyrolysis and oxidation of methyl butanoate and methyl decanoate–Note II: Lumped kinetic model of decomposition and combustion of methyl …
R Grana, A Frassoldati, C Saggese, T Faravelli, E Ranzi
Combustion and Flame 159 (7), 2280-2294, 2012
Autoignition behavior of gasoline/ethanol blends at engine-relevant conditions
S Cheng, D Kang, A Fridlyand, SS Goldsborough, C Saggese, S Wagnon, ...
Combustion and Flame 216, 369-384, 2020
The distillation curve and sooting propensity of a typical jet fuel
C Saggese, AV Singh, X Xue, C Chu, MR Kholghy, T Zhang, J Camacho, ...
Fuel 235, 350-362, 2019
Effect of nitric oxide and exhaust gases on gasoline surrogate autoignition: iso-octane experiments and modeling
R Fang, C Saggese, SW Wagnon, AB Sahu, HJ Curran, WJ Pitz, CJ Sung
Combustion and Flame 236, 111807, 2022
A physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry–V. NOx formation from a typical Jet A
C Saggese, K Wan, R Xu, Y Tao, CT Bowman, JW Park, T Lu, H Wang
Combustion and Flame 212, 270-278, 2020
A physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry–VI. Predictive kinetic models of gasoline fuels
R Xu, C Saggese, R Lawson, A Movaghar, T Parise, J Shao, ...
Combustion and flame 220, 475-487, 2020
An experimental and kinetic modeling study of NOx sensitization on methane autoignition and oxidation
AB Sahu, AAES Mohamed, S Panigrahy, C Saggese, V Patel, G Bourque, ...
Combustion and Flame 238, 111746, 2022
Mimicking water striders’ legs superhydrophobicity and buoyancy with cabbage leaves and nanotube carpets
E Lepore, M Giorcelli, C Saggese, A Tagliaferro, N Pugno
Journal of Materials Research 28 (7), 976-983, 2013
Experimental and modeling study of C2–C4 alcohol autoignition at intermediate temperature conditions
S Cheng, D Kang, SS Goldsborough, C Saggese, SW Wagnon, WJ Pitz
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (1), 709-717, 2021
Effects of isoalcohol blending with gasoline on autoignition behavior in a rapid compression machine: isopropanol and isobutanol
SS Goldsborough, S Cheng, D Kang, C Saggese, SW Wagnon, WJ Pitz
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 5655-5664, 2021
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Articles 1–20