Jean-Romain Luttringer
Jean-Romain Luttringer
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Cited by
TNT, Watch me Explode: A Light in the Dark for Revealing MPLS Tunnels
Y Vanaubel, JR Luttringer, P Mérindol, JJ Pansiot, B Donnet
2019 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), 2019
Let there be light: Revealing hidden MPLS tunnels with TNT
JR Luttringer, Y Vanaubel, P Mérindol, JJ Pansiot, B Donnet
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (2), 1239-1253, 2019
Computing delay-constrained least-cost paths for segment routing is easier than you think
JR Luttringer, T Alfroy, P Mérindol, Q Bramas, F Clad, C Pelsser
2020 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2020
Deploying near-optimal delay-constrained paths with Segment Routing in massive-scale networks
JR Luttringer, T Alfroy, P Mérindol, Q Bramas, F Clad, C Pelsser
Computer Networks 212, 109015, 2022
A Fast-Convergence Routing of the Hot-Potato
JR Luttringer, Q Bramas, C Pelsser, P Mérindol
IEEE INFOCOM 2021, 2021
Offline constrained backward time travel planning
Q Bramas, JR Luttringer, S Tixeuil
International Symposium on Stabilizing, Safety, and Security of Distributed …, 2023
L'Art d'Anticiper les Changements IGP pour Acheminer Optimalement la Patate en Transit
JR Luttringer, Q Bramas, C Pelsser, P Mérindol
CORES 2021–6ème Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l …, 2021
Le Problème à trois Contraintes: Calcul et Déploiement de Segments de Routage
JR Luttringer, T Alfroy, P Mérindol, F Clad, C Pelsser
ALGOTEL 2021—23èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques …, 2021
🥾 Le guide du routard temporel 🥾
Q Bramas, JR Luttringer, S Tixeuil
AlgoTel 2024–26èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques …, 2024
La ROUTOURNE va tourner
Q Bramas, JR Luttringer, P Mérindol
AlgoTel 2024–26èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques …, 2024
Online Space-Time Travel Planning in Dynamic Graphs
Q Bramas, JR Luttringer, S Tixeuil
3rd Symposium on Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks (SAND 2024), 2024
A Simple and General Operational Framework to Deploy Optimal Routes with Source Routing
Q Bramas, JR Luttringer, P Mérindol
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.17769, 2023
Path computation algorithms in IP networks: reliable hot-potato routing & deployable multi-constrained tunnels
JR Luttringer
Université de Strasbourg, 2022
Constrained Backward Time Travel Planning is in P
Q Bramas, JR Luttringer, S Tixeuil
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.03372, 2022
OPTIC: An Efficient BGP Protection Technique For Optimal Intra-domain Convergence (Master's Thesis)
JR Luttringer, P Mérindol
TNT: Technical Report
Y Vanaubel, JR Luttringer, P Mérindol, JJ Pansiot, B Donnet
La ROUTOURNE va tourner: le retour des tours de détours sous leurs plus beaux atours
Q Bramas, JR Luttringer, P Mérindol
Calcul de Chemins pour Réseaux IP
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Articles 1–18