Astrid Reichel
Astrid Reichel
HRMgroup, Department of Business, University of Salzburg
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Cited by
Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture
A Smale, S Bagdadli, R Cotton, S Dello Russo, M Dickmann, A Dysvik, ...
Journal of organizational behavior 40 (1), 105-122, 2019
The effects of outsourcing and devolvement on the strategic position of HR departments
A Reichel, M Lazarova
Human resource management 52 (6), 923-946, 2013
Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success
JP Briscoe, R Kaše, N Dries, A Dysvik, JA Unite, I Adeleye, M Andresen, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 130, 103612, 2021
The effects of IT-enabled cognitive stimulation tools on creative problem solving: A dual pathway to creativity
N Althuizen, A Reichel
Journal of Management Information Systems 33 (1), 11-44, 2016
Alternative forms of international working
W Mayrhofer, A Reichel, P Sparrow
Handbook of research in international human resource management 2, 300-327, 2012
Staying close to business: the role of epistemic alignment in rendering HR analytics outputs relevant to decision-makers
M Ellmer, A Reichel
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 32 (12), 2622-2642, 2021
Mind the channel! An affordance perspective on how digital voice channels encourage or discourage employee voice
M Ellmer, A Reichel
Human Resource Management Journal 31 (1), 259-276, 2021
Riding the tiger? Going along with Cranet for two decades—A relational perspective
C Brewster, W Mayrhofer, A Reichel
Human Resource Management Review 21 (1), 5-15, 2011
The strongest link: Legitimacy of top management diversity, sex stereotypes and the rise of women in human resource management 1995-2004
A Reichel, J Brandl, W Mayrhofer
management revue, 332-352, 2010
Human capital development practices and career success: The moderating role of country development and income inequality
S Bagdadli, M Gianecchini, M Andresen, R Cotton, R Kaše, M Lazarova, ...
Journal of Organizational Behavior 42 (4), 429-447, 2021
Crisis response via dynamic capabilities: A necessity in NPOs’ capability building: Insights from a study in the European refugee aid
K Kaltenbrunner, A Reichel
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 29 …, 2018
Still feeling employable with growing age? Exploring the moderating effects of developmental HR practices and country-level unemployment rates in the age–employability relationship
SD Russo, E Parry, J Bosak, M Andresen, E Apospori, S Bagdadli, ...
HRM and Employability, 86-112, 2022
The influence of social policy practices and gender egalitarianism on strategic integration of female HR directors
J Brandl, W Mayrhofer, A Reichel
International Human Resource Management, 119-137, 2014
Help that is not recognized: Harmful neglect of decision support systems
N Althuizen, A Reichel, B Wierenga
Decision Support Systems 54 (1), 719-728, 2012
Careers in context: An international study of career goals as mesostructure between societies' career‐related human potential and proactive career behaviour
M Andresen, E Apospori, H Gunz, PA Suzanne, M Taniguchi, EI Lysova, ...
Human Resource Management Journal 30 (3), 365-391, 2020
Zu Anforderung und Ausgestaltungsprinzipien von Anreizsystemen aus agencytheoretischer Sicht
MB Pfeiffer, A Reichel
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis-BFuP, 12-29, 2005
Zur Logik kollektiven Handelns von WissensarbeiterInnen
S Pernicka, A Reichel, S Lücking
Industrielle Beziehungen/The German Journal of Industrial Relations, 372-392, 2010
Equal, but different? The impact of gender egalitarianism on the integration of female/male HR directors
J Brandl, W Mayrhofer, A Reichel
Gender in Management: An International Journal 23 (1), 67-80, 2008
The end of personnel? Managing human resources in turbulent environments
A Reichel, W Mayrhofer
management revue 20 (1), 5-14, 2009
Departmental status in light of a growing proportion of female staff: The case of human resource management
A Reichel, J Brandl, W Mayrhofer
European Journal of International Management 3 (4), 457-477, 2009
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Articles 1–20