René Chester Goduscheit
René Chester Goduscheit
Professor (Full), Department of Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University
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Cited by
Paths Toward Radical Service Innovation in Manufacturing Companies—A Service‐Dominant Logic Perspective
RC Goduscheit, R Faullant
Journal of Product Innovation Management 2018, 2018
New forms of engagement in third mission activities: A multi-level university-centric approach
MP Knudsen, MH Frederiksen, RC Goduscheit
Innovation 23 (2), 209-240, 2021
How barriers to collaboration prevent progress in demand for knowledge: A dyadic study of small and medium‐sized firms, research and technology organizations and universities
RC Goduscheit, MP Knudsen
Creativity and Innovation Management 24 (1), 29-54, 2015
Innovation promoters—A multiple case study
RC Goduscheit
Industrial marketing management 43 (3), 525-534, 2014
Managing inter-firm collaboration in the fuzzy front-end: Structure as a two-edged sword
JH Jörgensen, C Bergenholtz, RC Goduscheit, ES Rasmussen
International Journal of Innovation Management 15 (01), 145-163, 2011
Identifying valuable users as informants for innovation processes: Comparing the search efficiency of pyramiding and screening
CS Stockstrom, RC Goduscheit, C Lüthje, JH Jřrgensen
Research Policy 45 (2), 507-516, 2016
Structural holes and social entrepreneurs as altruistic brokers
RC Goduscheit, D Khanin, RV Mahto, WC McDowell
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2021
User toolkits for innovation–a literature review
RC Goduscheit, JH Jřrgensen
International Journal of Technology Management 61 (3/4), 274-292, 2013
Digital anthropology as method for lead user identification from unstructured big data
VV Somoza Sánchez, D Giacalone, RC Goduscheit
Creativity and Innovation Management 27 (1), 32-41, 2018
Business model innovation–A gamble or a manageable process?
Y Taran, RC Goduscheit, H Boer
Journal of Business Models 7 (5), 90-107, 2020
Action research in inter-organisational networks: impartial studies or the Trojan horse?
RC Goduscheit, C Bergenholtz, JH Jřrgensen, ES Rasmussen
Systemic Practice and Action Research 21, 267-281, 2008
Managing business model innovation risks-lessons for theory and practice
Y Taran, RC Goduscheit, H Boer
16th International CINet Conference on Pursuing Innovation Leadership, 919-929, 2015
Assessing the technology readiness level of current blockchain use cases
K Holm, RC Goduscheit
2020 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON), 1-6, 2020
State of the art in entrepreneurship research: A policy-oriented review with particular emphasis on the gender perspective and the Norwegian context
RC Goduscheit
Damvad, Copenhagen, Denmark 23, 2011, 2011
An examination of a reciprocal relationship between network governance and network structure
C Bergenholtz, RC Goduscheit
International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances 2 (3), 171-188, 2011
No Strings Attached? Potential Effects of External Funding on Freedom of Research
RC Goduscheit
Journal of Business Ethics, 2021
Blockchain for economy of scale in wind industry: A demo case
P Singh, K Holm, MJ Beliatis, A Ionita, M Presser, P Wolfgang, ...
Global IoT Summit, 175-186, 2022
Networks and Networks–Social network theory vs. the IMP tradition
RC Goduscheit
New Directions for Marketing: Interactions and Partnerships, Moscow, Russian …, 2007
Key Dimensions of Assessing Servitization Towards a conceptual maturity model
TCK Andersen, MEE Madsen, RC Goduscheit
CINet Conference, 2020
Female Entrepreneurship-a Systematic Literature Review
RC Goduscheit, MT Norn
Proceedings of the Academy of Management Conference, 2011
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Articles 1–20