Fares J. Abu-Dakka
Fares J. Abu-Dakka
Other namesFares Abu-Dakka
Assistant Professor, New York University Abu Dhabi
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Cited by
Dynamic movement primitives in robotics: A tutorial survey
M Saveriano, FJ Abu-Dakka, A Kramberger, L Peternel
The International Journal of Robotics Research, 1-52, 2023
Variable impedance control and learning--A review
FJ Abu-Dakka, M Saveriano
Frontiers Robotics AI 7, 177, 2020
Adaptation of manipulation skills in physical contact with the environment to reference force profiles
FJ Abu-Dakka, B Nemec, JA Jřrgensen, TR Savarimuthu, N Krüger, ...
Autonomous Robots 39 (2), 199-217, 2015
Force-based variable impedance learning for robotic manipulation
FJ Abu-Dakka, L Rozo, DG Caldwell
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 109, 156-167, 2018
Solving peg-in-hole tasks by human demonstration and exception strategies
FJ Abu-Dakka, B Nemec, A Kramberger, AG Buch, N Krüger, A Ude
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 41 (6), 575-584, 2014
A Novel Soft Robotic Hand Design With Human-Inspired Soft Palm: Achieving a Great Diversity of Grasps
H Wang, FJ Abu-Dakka, TN Le, V Kyrki, H Xu
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 28 (2), 2021
Toward orientation learning and adaptation in cartesian space
Y Huang, FJ Abu-Dakka, J Silvério, DG Caldwell
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 37 (1), 82-98, 2020
Statistical evaluation of an evolutionary algorithm for minimum time trajectory planning problem for industrial robots
FJ Abu-Dakka, IF Assad, RM Alkhdour, M Abderahim
The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology 89, 389-406, 2017
Evolutionary Indirect Approach to Solving Trajectory Planning Problem for Industrial Robots Operating in Workspaces with Obstacles
FJ Abu-Dakka, F Rubio, F Valero, V Mata
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 42, 210–218, 2013
Geometry-aware Dynamic Movement Primitives
FJ Abu-Dakka, V Kyrki
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020
Transfer of Assembly Operations to New Workpiece Poses by Adaptation to the Desired Force Profile
B Nemec, F Abu-Dakka, JA Rytz, TR Savarimuthu, B Ridge, N Krüger, ...
The 16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2013, 2013
A direct approach to solving trajectory planning problems using genetic algorithms with dynamics considerations in complex environments
FJ Abu-Dakka, FJ Valero, JL Suńer, V Mata
Robotica 33 (3), 669-683, 2015
Uncertainty-aware imitation learning using kernelized movement primitives
J Silvério, Y Huang, FJ Abu-Dakka, L Rozo, DG Caldwell
10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8967996, 2019
A probabilistic framework for learning geometry-based robot manipulation skills
FJ Abu-Dakka, Y Huang, J Silvério, V Kyrki
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 141, 103761, 2021
A bidirectional soft biomimetic hand driven by water hydraulic for dexterous underwater grasping
H Wang, H Xu, FJ Abu-Dakka, V Kyrki, C Yang, X Li, S Chen
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 2186-2193, 2022
Practical use of robot manipulators as intelligent manufacturing systems
PJ Alhama Blanco, FJ Abu-Dakka, M Abderrahim
Sensors 18 (9), 2877, 2018
Generalized Orientation Learning in Robot Task Space
Y Huang, FJ Abu-Dakka, J Silvério, DG Caldwell
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019
Probabilistic surface friction estimation based on visual and haptic measurements
TN Le, F Verdoja, FJ Abu-Dakka, V Kyrki
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 2838-2845, 2021
Passive exercise adaptation for ankle rehabilitation based on learning control framework
FJ Abu-Dakka, A Valera, JA Escalera, M Abderrahim, A Page, V Mata
Sensors 20 (21), 6215, 2020
Periodic DMP formulation for quaternion trajectories
FJ Abu-Dakka, M Saveriano, L Peternel
2021 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 658-663, 2021
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Articles 1–20