Marjo Siltaoja
Marjo Siltaoja
Associate professor JSBE
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Value priorities as combining core factors between CSR and reputation–a qualitative study
ME Siltaoja
Journal of business ethics 68, 91-111, 2006
The legitimacy paradox of business schools: losing by gaining?
K Alajoutsijärvi, K Juusola, M Siltaoja
Academy of Management Learning & Education 14 (2), 277-291, 2015
Diskurssianalyysi johtamis-ja organisaatiotutkimuksessa
M Siltaoja, V Sorsa
Laadullisen tutkimuksen näkökulmat ja menetelmät, 2020
Stakeholder salience for small businesses: A social proximity perspective
M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, LJ Spence
Journal of Business Ethics 158, 373-385, 2019
Sweet taste of prosocial status signaling: When eating organic foods makes you happy and hopeful
P Puska, S Kurki, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, H Luomala
Appetite 121, 348-359, 2018
‘World-class’ fantasies: A neocolonial analysis of international branch campuses
M Siltaoja, K Juusola, M Kivijärvi
Organization, 2018
On the discursive construction of a socially responsible organization
M Siltaoja
Scandinavian Journal of Management 25 (2), 191-202, 2009
‘We are all responsible now’: Governmentality and responsibilized subjects in corporate social responsibility
M Siltaoja, V Malin, M Pyykkönen
Management Learning 46 (4), 444-460, 2015
Get some respect–buy organic foods! When everyday consumer choices serve as prosocial status signaling
H Luomala, P Puska, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, S Kurki
Appetite 145, 104492, 2020
Business in society or business and society: the construction of business–society relations in responsibility reports from a critical discursive perspective
ME Siltaoja, TJ Onkila
Business Ethics: A European Review 22 (4), 357-373, 2013
Revising the Corporate Social Performance Model–Towards Knowledge Creation for Sustainable Development
ME Siltaoja
Business Strategy and the Environment 23 (5), 289-302, 2014
Towards a variety of meanings–multiple representations of reputation in the small business context
M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja
British Journal of Management 21 (1), 207-222, 2010
The dynamics of (de) stigmatization: Boundary construction in the nascent category of organic farming
M Siltaoja, M Lähdesmaki, N Granqvist, S Kurki, P Puska, H Luomala
Organization Studies 41 (7), 993-1018, 2020
Power of paradox: Grassroots organizations’ legitimacy strategies over time
R Chowdhury, A Kourula, M Siltaoja
Business & Society 60 (2), 420-453, 2021
Male–Male Status Signaling through Favoring Organic Foods : Is the Signaler Perceived and Treated as a Friend or a Foe?
P Puska, S Kurki, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, H Luomala
Psychology and Marketing 33 (10), 843-855, 2016
Placing resilience in context: investigating the changing experiences of Finnish organic farmers
A Herman, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja
Journal of Rural Studies 58, 112-122, 2018
Constructing illegitimacy? Cartels and cartel agreements in Finnish business media from critical discursive perspective
ME Siltaoja, MJ Vehkaperä
Journal of Business Ethics 92, 493-511, 2010
Empowered by stigma? Pioneer organic farmers’ stigma management strategies
M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, H Luomala, P Puska, S Kurki
Journal of Rural Studies 65, 152-160, 2019
From Rationality to Emotionally Embedded Relations: Envy as a Signal of Power in Stakeholder Relations.
M Siltaoja, M Lähdesmäki
Journal of Business Ethics 128, 837-850, 2015
One Rule to Rule Them All? Organisational Sensemaking of Corporate Responsibility
T Onkila, M Siltaoja
Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1), 5-20, 2015
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