Salme Näsi
Cited by
Cited by
The evolution of corporate social responsiveness: An exploratory study of Finnish and Canadian forestry companies
J Nasi, S Nasi, N Phillips, S Zyglidopoulos
Business & society 36 (3), 296-321, 1997
Creative accrual accounting in the public sector:‘Milking’water utilities to balance municipal budgets and accounts
EM Vinnari, S Näsi
Financial Accountability & Management 24 (2), 97-116, 2008
Social responsibilities of MNCs in downsizing operations: A Finnish forest sector case analysed from the stakeholder, social contract and legitimacy theory point of view
H Mäkelä, S Näsi
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 23 (2), 149-174, 2010
The contingency model of governmental accounting innovations: a discussion
N Monsen, S Nasi
European Accounting Review 7 (2), 275-288, 1998
Firm–employee relationships from a social responsibility perspective: Developments from communist thinking to market ideology in Romania. A mass media story
O Apostol, S Näsi
Journal of business ethics 119, 301-315, 2014
Accounting and business economics traditions in Finland-from a practical discipline into a scientific subject and field of research
S Nasi, J Nasi
European Accounting Review 6 (2), 199-229, 1997
Laskenta-ajattelun kehitys viime vuosisadan puolivälistä nykypäiviin: suomenkieliseen laskentatoimen kirjallisuuteen perustuva historiantutkimus
S Näsi
Tampereen yliopisto, 1990
Tilintarkastusta käsittelevien väitöskirjojen tutkimusstrategiset valinnat: aihepiiri ja tutkimusote
LA Kihn, S Näsi
Contributions to Accounting, Auditing and Internal Control: Essays in Honor …, 2011
Development of cost and management accounting ideas in the Nordic countries
S Näsi, C Rohde
Handbooks of Management Accounting Research 2, 1091-1118, 2006
Emerging diversity in management accounting research: The case of Finnish doctoral dissertations, 1945-2015
LA Kihn, S Näsi
Journal of accounting & organizational change 13 (1), 131-160, 2017
Stakeholder theory as a framework for accounting
M Niskala, S Näsi
Understanding Stakeholder Thinking/Edited by Juha Näsi.–Jyväskylä, Finland …, 1995
Comparing cameral and accrual accounting in local governments
N Monsen, S Näsi
International Comparative Issues in Government Accounting: The Similarities …, 2001
Johdon laskentatoimen hyväksikäyttö ja kehittämistarpeet erilaisissa kunnallisissa toimintayksiköissä
S Näsi, A Hokkanen, J Latvanen
Julkaisuja/Jyväskylän yliopisto. Taloustieteiden tiedekunta, 2001
Social responsibilities of mncs in downsizing operations a finnish forest sector case analysed from the stakeholder, social contract and legitimacy theory point of view
H Makela, S Nasi
Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal 23 (2), 149-174, 2010
Local governmental accounting in Finland and Norway: a historical note on cameralism
N Monsen, S Näsi
Research in Governmental and Nonprofit accounting, 259-274, 1996
Financial and technical competence of municipal board members: empirical evidence from the water sector
E Vinnari, S Näsi
Critical perspectives on accounting 24 (7-8), 488-501, 2013
European accounting theory: evolution and evaluation
S Näsi, C Saccon, S Wüstemann, P Walton
The Routledge companion to accounting, reporting and regulation, 72-92, 2013
Research strategic analysis of the Finnish doctoral dissertations in management accounting from 1990 to 2009
LA Kihn, S Näsi
Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 2010
Laskentatoimi muutoksessa ja liiketoimintaosaamiskaasteissa
S Näsi
Liiketoimintaosaaminen kilpailukykymme keskiössä, 57-67, 2006
Off balance sheet assets in central governments: are they unique or are they really assets
S Näsi, K Hansen, H Hefzi
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 14 (2), 137-154, 2001
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Articles 1–20