Patrick Knöbelreiter
Patrick Knöbelreiter
Applied Scientist at Amazon PrimeAir
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End-to-end training of hybrid CNN-CRF models for stereo
P Knöbelreiter, C Reinbacher, A Shekhovtsov, T Pock
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,(CVPR), 2017
Learning joint demosaicing and denoising based on sequential energy minimization
T Klatzer, K Hammernik, P Knobelreiter, T Pock
2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 1-11, 2016
InfoSeg: Unsupervised Semantic Image Segmentation with Mutual Information Maximization
R Harb, P Knöbelreiter
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, 18-32, 2021
BP-MVSNet: Belief-Propagation-Layers for Multi-View-Stereo
C Sormann, P Knöbelreiter, A Kuhn, M Rossi, T Pock, F Fraundorfer
2020 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 394-403, 2020
Belief Propagation Reloaded: Learning BP-Layers for Labeling Problems
P Knobelreiter, C Sormann, A Shekhovtsov, F Fraundorfer, T Pock
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Robot localisation and 3d position estimation using a free-moving camera and cascaded convolutional neural networks
J Miseikis, P Knobelreiter, I Brijacak, S Yahyanejad, K Glette, OJ Elle, ...
2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics …, 2018
Self-Supervised Learning for Stereo Reconstruction on Aerial Images
P Knöbelreiter, C Vogel, T Pock
IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2018
Learned collaborative stereo refinement
P Knöbelreiter, T Pock
International Journal of Computer Vision 129 (9), 2565-2582, 2021
An ultrastructural 3D reconstruction method for observing the arrangement of collagen fibrils and proteoglycans in the human aortic wall under mechanical load
A Pukaluk, AS Wittgenstein, G Leitinger, D Kolb, D Pernitsch, ...
Acta Biomaterialia 141, 300-314, 2022
Frame-To-Frame Consistent Semantic Segmentation
M Rebol, P Knöbelreiter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.00948, 2020
End-to-End Training of Hybrid CNN-CRF Models for Semantic Segmentation using Structured Learning
A Colovic, P Knöbelreiter, A Shekhovtsov, T Pock
Computer Vision Winter Workshop, 2017
Automatic fly-through camera animations for 3D architectural repositories
P Knöbelreiter, R Berndt, T Ullrich, DW Fellner
2014 International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications …, 2014
Learning Energy Based Inpainting for Optical Flow
C Vogel, P Knöbelreiter, T Pock
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 340-356, 2018
Scalable Full Flow with Learned Binary Descriptors
G Munda, A Shekhovtsov, P Knöbelreiter, T Pock
German Conference on Pattern Recognition, 321-332, 2017
Efficient Multi-Task Learning of Semantic Segmentation and Disparity Estimation
R Harb, P Knöbelreiter
ARW & OAGM Workshop 2019: Austrian Robotics Workshop and OAGM Workshop 2019, 2019
Scalable Full Flow with Learned Binary
G Munda, A Shekhovtsov, P Knöbelreiter, T Pock
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Articles 1–16