Amanda Purington Drake
Amanda Purington Drake
Other namesAmanda Purington
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Cited by
Nonsuicidal self-injury as a gateway to suicide in young adults
J Whitlock, J Muehlenkamp, J Eckenrode, A Purington, GB Abrams, ...
Journal of adolescent health 52 (4), 486-492, 2013
" Alexa is my new BFF" social roles, user satisfaction, and personification of the Amazon Echo
A Purington, JG Taft, S Sannon, NN Bazarova, SH Taylor
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2017
Nonsuicidal self-injury in a college population: General trends and sex differences
J Whitlock, J Muehlenkamp, A Purington, J Eckenrode, P Barreira, ...
Journal of American College Health 59 (8), 691-698, 2011
Assessment of nonsuicidal self-injury: Development and initial validation of the Non-Suicidal Self-Injury–Assessment Tool (NSSI-AT).
J Whitlock, D Exner-Cortens, A Purington
Psychological assessment 26 (3), 935, 2014
Media, the Internet, and nonsuicidal self-injury.
J Whitlock, A Purington, M Gershkovich
American Psychological Association, 2009
Nonsuicidal self-injury in college populations: Mental health provider assessment of prevalence and need
J Whitlock, G Eells, N Cummings, A Purington
Journal of College Student Psychotherapy 23 (3), 172-183, 2009
Young adult respondent experiences of disclosing self-injury, suicide-related behavior, and psychological distress in a web-based survey
J Whitlock, C Pietrusza, A Purington
Archives of Suicide Research 17 (1), 20-32, 2013
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in the Media.
A Purington, J Whitlock
Prevention researcher 17 (1), 2010
Influence of the media on self injurious behavior
JL Whitlock, A Purington, M Gershkovich
Understanding non-suicidal self-injury: Origins, assessment and treatment …, 2009
Social media testdrive: Real-world social media education for the next generation
D DiFranzo, YH Choi, A Purington, JG Taft, J Whitlock, NN Bazarova
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2019
Self-injury fact sheet
A Purington, J Whitlock
New York: Cornell University, 2004
Implementing evidence-based programs: Lessons learned from the field
J Powers, M Maley, A Purington, K Schantz, J Dotterweich
Applied Developmental Science 19 (2), 108-116, 2015
Using social network analysis to strengthen organizational relationships to better serve expectant and parenting young people
A Purington, E Stupp, D Welker, J Powers, M Banikya-Leaseburg
Maternal and Child Health Journal 24, 232-242, 2020
Validity and reliability of the non-suicidal selfinjury assessment tool (NSSI-AT): Why use the NSSI-AT
J Whitlock, A Purington
Poster presented at: 6th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the …, 2011
Self-injurious behavior in college populations: Perceptions and experiences of college mental health providers
J Whitlock, G Eells, N Cummings, A Purington
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2007
Research facts and findings: Self-injury fact sheet
A Purington, J Whitlock
Retrieved February 8, 2006, 2004
Non-suicidal self-injury in secondary schools: A descriptive study of prevalence, characteristics, and interventions
A Purington, J Whitlock, R Pochtar
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2009
The youth social media literacy inventory: Development and validation using item response theory in the US
A Purington Drake, PK Masur, NN Bazarova, W Zou, J Whitlock
Journal of Children and Media 17 (4), 467-487, 2023
Creating systems-level change to better support expectant and parenting young people: A case study
A Purington, E Stupp, D Sebuharara, B Maley, SB Henderson, J Powers
Maternal and Child Health Journal 24, 171-177, 2020
Development of a six-stage recovery model for non-suicidal self-injury
R Morgan, A Purington, J Whitlock
Poster Session Presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of the International …, 2012
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Articles 1–20