Johanna Honka
Johanna Honka
Post-doctoral researcher
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Over a thousand years of evolutionary history of domestic geese from Russian archaeological sites, analysed using ancient DNA
J Honka, MT Heino, L Kvist, IV Askeyev, DN Shaymuratova, OV Askeyev, ...
Genes 9 (7), 367, 2018
Determining the subspecies composition of bean goose harvests in Finland using genetic methods
J Honka, L Kvist, ME Heikkinen, P Helle, JB Searle, J Aspi
European Journal of Wildlife Research 63, 1-14, 2017
Recent introgression between Taiga Bean Goose and Tundra Bean Goose results in a largely homogeneous landscape of genetic differentiation
J Ottenburghs, J Honka, GJDM Müskens, H Ellegren
Heredity 125 (1), 73-84, 2020
Genetic assessment reveals inbreeding, possible hybridization, and low levels of genetic structure in a declining goose population
J Honka, S Baini, JB Searle, L Kvist, J Aspi
Ecology and Evolution 12 (1), e8547, 2022
Selection in the Finnhorse, a native all‐around horse breed
L Kvist, J Honka, M Niskanen, O Liedes, J Aspi
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 138 (2), 188-203, 2021
Determination of different predictors affecting DNA concentration isolated from historical hairs of the Finnhorse
T Kirkinen, J Honka, D Salazar, L Kvist, M Saastamoinen, K Hemmann
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 41, 103262, 2022
Highly differentiated loci resolve phylogenetic relationships in the Bean Goose complex
J Ottenburghs, J Honka, ME Heikkinen, J Madsen, GJDM Müskens, ...
BMC Ecology and Evolution 23 (1), 2, 2023
Memories, museum artefacts and excavations in resolving the history of maternal lineages in the Finnhorse
L Kvist, J Honka, D Salazar, T Kirkinen, K Hemmann
Animal Genetics 53 (6), 821-828, 2022
Optimised PCR assays for detecting elusive waterfowl from environmental DNA
J Honka, L Kvist, S Olli, T Laaksonen, J Aspi
Ecology and Evolution 14 (4), e11224, 2024
Development and optimization of a novel environmental DNA‐based method for moor frog (Rana arvalis) monitoring and comparison with a commercial detection kit
S Olli, P Lampila, L Kvist, J Honka
Environmental DNA 6 (1), e516, 2024
Environmental DNA from lake water is effective at detecting elusive geese and other waterfowl species
J Honka, L Kvist, S Olli, T Laaksonen, J Aspi
Authorea Preprints, 2023
Evolutionary and conservation genetics of European domestic and wild geese
J Honka
University of Oulu, 2020
Environmental DNA reveals a presence of Anser fabalis (Bean Goose) and an absence of Anser erythropus (Lesser White-fronted Goose) in Finnish Northern …
J Honka, L Kvist, IJ Øien, T Aarvak, S Siivonen, J Aspi
Ornithological Applications, duae060, 2024
Genetic assessment of subspecies composition in bean goose (Anser fabalis) harvest in Sweden, Finland and Estonia
J Honka, A de Jong, E Jumppanen, M Alhainen, A Piironen
DNA i ruggfjädrar visar tajgasädgåsens Anser f. fabalisortstrohet till ruggningslokaler i Lappland [DNA profiles of shed Taiga Bean Goose Anser f. fabalisfeathers indicate …
A de Jong, O Kleven, J Honka, I Vahlström
Sveriges Ornitologiska Foerening, 2024
Stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen in hair keratin of suspected man-eating wolves from 1880s
JA Junno, T Väre, J Tikkanen, MT Heino, M Niskanen, I Kakko, J Honka, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 4946, 2024
DNA i ruggfjädrar visar tajgasädgåsens
A De Jong, O Kleven, J Honka, I Vahlström
Anser f. fabalis, 2024
DNA i ruggfjädrar visar tajgasädgåsens Anser f. fabalisortstrohet till ruggningslokaler i Lappland
A De Jong, O Kleven, J Honka, I Vahlström
Ornis Svecica 34, 2024
DNA profiles of shed Taiga Bean Goose feathers indicate between-season fidelity to moulting sites in Swedish Lapland
A de Jong, O Kleven, J Honka, I Vahlström
Sampling of environmental DNA for breeding distribution mapping in an endangered goose species, the lesser white-fronted goose
J Honka, L Kvist, IJ Øien, T Aarvak, S Siivonen, J Aspi
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