Kenneth Molem
Kenneth Molem
Botanist at the New Guinea Binatang Research Center
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Cited by
Cited by
Low beta diversity of herbivorous insects in tropical forests
V Novotny, SE Miller, J Hulcr, RAI Drew, Y Basset, M Janda, GP Setliff, ...
Nature 448 (7154), 692-695, 2007
Species richness, forest structure, and functional diversity during succession in the New Guinea lowlands
TJS Whitfeld, JR Lasky, K Damas, G Sosanika, K Molem, RA Montgomery
Biotropica 46 (5), 538-548, 2014
Predation risk for herbivorous insects on tropical vegetation: a search for enemy-free space and time.
V Novotny, Y Basset, J Auga, W Boen, C Dal, P Drozd, M Kasbal, B Isua, ...
Australian Journal of Ecology 24, 477-483, 1999
Spatial patterns of tree species distribution in New Guinea primary and secondary lowland rain forest
P Fibich, J Lepš, V Novotný, P Klimeš, J Těšitel, K Molem, K Damas, ...
Journal of vegetation science 27 (2), 328-339, 2016
Successful invasion of the neotropical species Piper aduncum in rain forests in Papua New Guinea
J Lepš, V Novotný, L Čížek, K Molem, B Isua, B William, R Kutil, J Auga, ...
Applied Vegetation Science 5 (2), 255-262, 2002
Determinants of litter decomposition rates in a tropical forest: functional traits, phylogeny and ecological succession
P Szefer, CP Carmona, K Chmel, M Konečná, M Libra, K Molem, ...
Oikos 126 (8), 1101-1111, 2017
Quantitative assessment of plant-arthropod interactions in forest canopies: A plot-based approach
M Volf, P Klimeš, GPA Lamarre, CM Redmond, CL Seifert, T Abe, J Auga, ...
PLoS One 14 (10), e0222119, 2019
Variably hungry caterpillars: predictive models and foliar chemistry suggest how to eat a rainforest
ST Segar, M Volf, B Isua, M Sisol, CM Redmond, ME Rosati, B Gewa, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1866), 20171803, 2017
High specialization and limited structural change in plant‐herbivore networks along a successional chronosequence in tropical montane forest
CM Redmond, J Auga, B Gewa, ST Segar, SE Miller, K Molem, ...
Ecography 42 (1), 162-172, 2019
Land module of Our Planet Reviewed–Papua New Guinea: aims, methods and first taxonomical results
M Leponce, V Novotny, O Pascal, T Robillard, F Legendre, C Villemant, ...
Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea 209, 13-48, 2016
Impact of pathogenic fungi, herbivores and predators on secondary succession of tropical rainforest vegetation
P Szefer, K Molem, A Sau, V Novotny
Journal of Ecology 108 (5), 1978-1988, 2020
Low host specificity and abundance of frugivorous lepidoptera in the lowland rain forests of Papua New Guinea
K Sam, R Ctvrtecka, SE Miller, ME Rosati, K Molem, K Damas, B Gewa, ...
PLoS One 12 (2), e0171843, 2017
Spatial covariance of herbivorous and predatory guilds of forest canopy arthropods along a latitudinal gradient
O Mottl, P Fibich, P Klimes, M Volf, R Tropek, K Anderson‐Teixeira, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (10), 1499-1510, 2020
An inventory of plants for the land of the unexpected
V Novotny, K Molem
Nature 584 (7822), 531-533, 2020
Common spatial patterns of trees in various tropical forests: Small trees are associated with increased diversity at small spatial scales
P Fibich, V Novotný, S Ediriweera, S Gunatilleke, N Gunatilleke, K Molem, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (12), 8085-8095, 2021
Ecological trends in moth communities (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) along a complete rainforest elevation gradient in Papua New Guinea
PS Toko, B Koane, K Molem, SE Miller, V Novotny
Insect Conservation and Diversity 16 (5), 649-657, 2023
The invasive tree Piper aduncum alters soil microbiota and nutrient content in fallow land following small scale slash-and-burn farming in tropical lowland forest in Papua New …
J Kukla, P Heděnec, P Baldrián, T Cajthaml, V Novotný, J Moradi, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 176, 104487, 2022
Spatial scaling of plant and bird diversity from 50 to 10,000 ha in a lowland tropical rainforest
RJ Hazell, K Chmel, J Riegert, L Paul, B Isua, GS Kaina, P Fibich, ...
Oecologia 196 (1), 101-113, 2021
Weak effects of birds, bats, and ants on their arthropod prey on pioneering tropical forest gap vegetation
P Szefer, K Molem, A Sau, V Novotny
Ecology 103 (6), e3690, 2022
Land module of Our Planet Reviewed-Papua New Guinea: plants collected along an elevational gradient on Mount Wilhelm
J Munzinger, K Damas, JF Molino, JC Pintaud, K Molem, H Hungito
Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea, 43-142, 2020
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Articles 1–20