Yikui Liu
Yikui Liu
Sichuan University
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Cited by
Peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading in distribution systems of the future
Y Liu, L Wu, J Li
The Electricity Journal 32 (4), 2-6, 2019
Optimal operation for community-based multi-party microgrid in grid-connected and islanded modes
J Li, Y Liu, L Wu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (2), 756-765, 2016
Coordinated optimal network reconfiguration and voltage regulator/DER control for unbalanced distribution systems
Y Liu, J Li, L Wu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (3), 2912-2922, 2018
A comprehensive review of security-constrained unit commitment
N Yang, Z Dong, L Wu, L Zhang, X Shen, D Chen, B Zhu, Y Liu
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 10 (3), 562-576, 2021
D-PMU based applications for emerging active distribution systems: A review
Y Liu, L Wu, J Li
Electric Power Systems Research 179, 106063, 2020
Reserve model of energy storage in day-ahead joint energy and reserve markets: A stochastic UC solution
Z Tang, Y Liu, L Wu, J Liu, H Gao
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (1), 372-382, 2020
Chordal relaxation based ACOPF for unbalanced distribution systems with DERs and voltage regulation devices
Y Liu, J Li, L Wu, T Ortmeyer
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (1), 970-984, 2017
Distribution system restructuring: Distribution LMP via unbalanced ACOPF
Y Liu, J Li, L Wu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (5), 4038-4048, 2017
State estimation of three-phase four-conductor distribution systems with real-time data from selective smart meters
Y Liu, J Li, L Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (4), 2632-2643, 2019
Feature-driven economic improvement for network-constrained unit commitment: A closed-loop predict-and-optimize framework
X Chen, Y Yang, Y Liu, L Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (4), 3104-3118, 2021
Integrating high DER-penetrated distribution systems into ISO energy market clearing: A feasible region projection approach
Y Liu, L Wu, Y Chen, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (3), 2262-2272, 2020
Frequency-constrained multi-source power system scheduling against N-1 contingency and renewable uncertainty
Y Yin, T Liu, L Wu, C He, Y Liu
Energy 216, 119296, 2021
Carbon-oriented planning of distributed generation and energy storage assets in power distribution network with hydrogen-based microgrids
C Gu, Y Liu, J Wang, Q Li, L Wu
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 14 (2), 790-802, 2022
Secured reserve scheduling of pumped-storage hydropower plants in ISO day-ahead market
Y Liu, L Wu, Y Yang, Y Chen, R Baldick, R Bo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (6), 5722-5733, 2021
A two-stage peer-to-peer energy trading model for distribution systems with participation of utility
Y Liu, L Wu, J Li
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 7 (5), 893-902, 2021
Vulnerability identification and evaluation of interdependent natural gas-electricity systems
L Nan, L Wu, T Liu, Y Liu, C He
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (4), 3558-3569, 2020
Towards accurate modeling of dynamic startup/shutdown and ramping processes of thermal units in unit commitment problems
Y Liu, L Wu, J Li
Energy 187, 115891, 2019
Towards Accurate Modeling on Configuration Transitions and Dynamic Ramping of Combined-Cycle Units in UC Problems
Y Liu, L Wu, J Li, Y Chen, F Wang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019
Graph theory based N-1 transmission contingency selection and its application in security-constrained unit commitment
L Nan, Y Liu, L Wu, T Liu, C He
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 9 (6), 1458-1467, 2020
A fast LP-based approach for robust dynamic economic dispatch problem: a feasible region projection method
Y Liu, L Wu, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (5), 4116-4119, 2020
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