Jeremy A. Yip
Jeremy A. Yip
Assistant Professor, Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business
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Sense of humor, emotional intelligence, and social competence
JA Yip, RA Martin
Journal of research in personality 40 (6), 1202-1208, 2006
The emotionally intelligent decision maker: Emotion-understanding ability reduces the effect of incidental anxiety on risk taking
JA Yip, S Côté
Psychological Science 24 (1), 48-55, 2013
Emotional intelligence of leaders: A profile of top executives
SJ Stein, P Papadogiannis, JA Yip, G Sitarenios
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 30 (1), 87-101, 2009
Trash-talking: Competitive incivility motivates rivalry, performance, and unethical behavior
JA Yip, ME Schweitzer, S Nurmohamed
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 144, 125-144, 2018
Mad and misleading: Incidental anger promotes deception
JA Yip, ME Schweitzer
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 137, 207-217, 2016
Losing your temper and your perspective: Anger reduces perspective-taking
JA Yip, ME Schweitzer
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 150, 28-45, 2019
Worry at work: How organizational culture promotes anxiety
JA Yip, EE Levine, AW Brooks, ME Schweitzer
Research in Organizational Behavior, 2021
Trust promotes unethical behavior: Excessive trust, opportunistic exploitation, and strategic exploitation
JA Yip, ME Schweitzer
Current Opinion in Psychology 6, 216-220, 2015
Follow your gut? Emotional intelligence moderates the association between physiologically measured somatic markers and risk-taking
JA Yip, DH Stein, S Côté, DR Carney
Emotion, 2020
Eliciting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth: The effect of question type on deception
JA Minson, E VanEpps, JA Yip, ME Schweitzer
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 147, 76-93, 2018
Infuriating impasses: Angry expressions increase exiting behavior in negotiations
JA Yip, M Schweinsberg
Social Psychological and Personality Science 8 (6), 706-714, 2017
The effect of knowledge accumulation on support for workplace accommodation
GH Seijts, J Yip
Journal of Business and Psychology 22, 311-321, 2008
Thanks for Nothing: Expressing Gratitude Invites Exploitation by Competitors
JA Yip, KK Lee, C Chan, AW Brooks
Norms for Behavioral Change (NBC) model: How injunctive norms and enforcement shift descriptive norms in science
JA Yip, ME Schweitzer
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 168, 104109, 2022
Emotions and ethics: How emotions sensitize perceptions of the consequences for self and others to motivate unethical behavior
JA Yip, KK Lee
Current Opinion in Psychology 48, 101464, 2022
Workplace Impostor Thoughts, Impostor Feelings, and Impostorism: An Integrative, Multidisciplinary Review of Research on the Impostor Phenomenon
BA Tewfik, JA Yip, SR Martin
Academy of Management Annals 19 (1), 38-73, 2025
Comedy, consensus, and conflict framework: Comedy as a norm violation can build consensus or escalate conflict in negotiations
JA Yip, KK Lee
Current Opinion in Psychology, 101814, 2024
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Articles 1–17