Pınar Yolum
Cited by
Cited by
Flexible protocol specification and execution: Applying event calculus planning using commitments
P Yolum, MP Singh
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2002
Commitment machines
P Yolum, MP Singh
International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, 235-247, 2001
Reasoning about commitments in the event calculus: An approach for specifying and executing protocols
P Yolum, MP Singh
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 42, 227-253, 2004
Lecture notes in computer science
C Chen, J Hartmanis, J van Leeuwen
Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries, 2002
Engineering self-organizing referral networks for trustworthy service selection
P Yolum, MP Singh
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2005
Emergent properties of referral systems
P Yolum, MP Singh
Proceedings of the second international joint conference on autonomous …, 2003
Resolving commitments among autonomous agents
AU Mallya, P Yolum, MP Singh
Advances in Agent Communication: International Workshop on Agent …, 2004
PRIGUARD : A Semantic Approach to Detect Privacy Violations in Online Social Networks
N Kokciyan, P Yolum
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2016
An argumentation approach for resolving privacy disputes in online social networks
N Kökciyan, N Yaglikci, P Yolum
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 17 (3), 1-22, 2017
Poyraz: Context‐aware service selection under deception
M Şensoy, J Zhang, P Yolum, R Cohen
Computational Intelligence 25 (4), 335-366, 2009
Research directions in agent communication
AK Chopra, A Artikis, J Bentahar, M Colombetti, F Dignum, N Fornara, ...
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 4 (2), 1-23, 2013
Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2005
P Pons, M Latapy, P Yolum, T Güngör, F Gürgen, C Özturan
20th International Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 26-28, 2005
Formal modeling and analysis of organizations
E van den Broek, C Jonker, A Sharpanskykh, J Treur, P Yolum
Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Multi-Agent Systems …, 2006
Preserving privacy as social responsibility in online social networks
D Kekulluoglu, N Kokciyan, P Yolum
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 18 (4), 1-22, 2018
Ontology-based service representation and selection
M Sensoy, P Yolum
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 19 (8), 1102-1115, 2007
Structural and semantic similarity metrics for web service matchmaking
A Günay, P Yolum
International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, 129-138, 2007
Dynamic communities in referral networks
P Yolum, MP Singh
Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An international journal 1 (2), 105-116, 2003
Modelling interactions via commitments and expectations
P Torroni, P Yolum, MP Singh, M Alberti, F Chesani, M Gavanelli, ...
Handbook of research on multi-agent systems: Semantics and dynamics of …, 2009
A context-aware approach for service selection using ontologies
M Şensoy, P Yolum
Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on autonomous agents …, 2006
Learning opponent's preferences for effective negotiation: an approach based on concept learning
R Aydogan, P Yolum
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 24 (1), 104-140, 2012
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Articles 1–20