Juha Pykälä
Juha Pykälä
Senior Research Scientist, Natural Environment Centre, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
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Mitigating human effects on European biodiversity through traditional animal husbandry
J Pykälä
Conservation Biology 14 (3), 705-712, 2000
Plant species richness and persistence of rare plants in abandoned semi-natural grasslands in northern Europe
J Pykälä, M Luoto, RK Heikkinen, T Kontula
Basic and applied ecology 6 (1), 25-33, 2005
Effects of restoration with cattle grazing on plant species composition and richness of semi-natural grasslands
J Pykälä
Biodiversity & Conservation 12, 2211-2226, 2003
Loss of plant species richness and habitat connectivity in grasslands associated with agricultural change in Finland
M Luoto, S Rekolainen, J Aakkula, J Pykälä
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 32 (7), 447-452, 2003
Different responses of plants and herbivore insects to a gradient of vegetation height: an indicator of the vertebrate grazing intensity and successional age
J Pöyry, M Luoto, J Paukkunen, J Pykälä, K Raatikainen, M Kuussaari
Oikos 115 (3), 401-412, 2006
Functional traits and local environment predict vegetation responses to disturbance: A pan‐European multi‐site experiment
M Bernhardt‐Römermann, A Gray, AJ Vanbergen, L Bergès, A Bohner, ...
Journal of Ecology 99 (3), 777-787, 2011
Plant species responses to cattle grazing in mesic semi-natural grassland
J Pykälä
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 108 (2), 109-117, 2005
Generic classification of the Verrucariaceae (Ascomycota) based on molecular and morphological evidence: recent progress and remaining challenges
C Gueidan, S Savić, H Thüs, C Roux, C Keller, L Tibell, M Prieto, ...
Taxon 58 (1), 184-208, 2009
Immediate increase in plant species richness after clear‐cutting of boreal herb‐rich forests
J Pykälä
Applied vegetation science 7 (1), 29-34, 2004
Cattle grazing increases plant species richness of most species trait groups in mesic semi-natural grasslands
J Pykälä
Plant Ecology 175, 217-226, 2005
Decline of landscape-scale habitat and species diversity after the end of cattle grazing
M Luoto, J Pykälä, M Kuussaari
Journal for Nature Conservation 11 (3), 171-178, 2003
Effect of habitat area and isolation on plant trait distribution in European forests and grasslands
R Lindborg, A Helm, R Bommarco, RK Heikkinen, I Kühn, J Pykälä, ...
Ecography 35 (4), 356-363, 2012
Effects of new forestry practices on rare epiphytic macrolichens
J Pykälä
Conservation Biology 18 (3), 831-838, 2004
Perinteinen karjatalous luonnon monimuotoisuuden ylläpitäjänä
J Pykälä
Suomen ympäristökeskus, 2001
Lichens of Finland
S Stenroos, S Velmala, J Pykälä, T Ahti
Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, 2016
Suomen perinnebiotoopit. Perinnemaisemaprojektin valtakunnallinen loppuraportti
M Vainio, H Kekäläinen, A Alanen, J Pykälä
Suomen ympäristökeskus, 2001
Additions to the lichen flora of Finland. VII
J Pykälä
Graphis Scripta 25 (1), 21-29, 2013
A keystone species, European aspen (Populus tremula L.), in boreal forests: Ecological role, knowledge needs and mapping using remote sensing
S Kivinen, E Koivisto, S Keski-Saari, L Poikolainen, T Tanhuanpää, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 462, 118008, 2020
Four new epiphytic species in the Micarea prasina group from Europe
A Launis, J Pykälä, P van Den Boom, E Sérusiaux, L Myllys
The Lichenologist 51 (1), 7-25, 2019
Importance of Forest Act habitats for epiphytic lichens in Finnish managed forests
J Pykälä, RK Heikkinen, H Toivonen, K Jääskeläinen
Forest ecology and management 223 (1-3), 84-92, 2006
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Articles 1–20