Sadia Nawaz
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Cited by
Are you with me? Measurement of learners’ video-watching attention with eye tracking
N Srivastava, S Nawaz, J Newn, J Lodge, E Velloso, S M. Erfani, ...
LAK21: 11th international learning analytics and knowledge conference, 88-98, 2021
Ethical and pedagogical impacts of AI in education
B Han, S Nawaz, G Buchanan, D McKay
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 667-673, 2023
Moments of confusion in simulation-based learning environments
S Nawaz, G Kennedy, J Bailey, C Mead
Journal of Learning Analytics 7 (3), 118-137, 2020
Exploring the usage of thermal imaging for understanding video lecture designs and students' experiences
N Srivastava, S Nawaz, JM Lodge, E Velloso, S Erfani, J Bailey
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on learning analytics …, 2020
How difficult is the task for you? Modelling and analysis of students' task difficulty sequences in a simulation-based POE environment
S Nawaz, N Srivastava, JH Yu, AA Khan, G Kennedy, J Bailey, RS Baker
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 32 (2), 233-262, 2022
Analysis of task difficulty sequences in a simulation-based POE environment
S Nawaz, N Srivastava, JH Yu, RS Baker, G Kennedy, J Bailey
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 21st International Conference, AIED …, 2020
Authorship and content analysis of engineering education research: A case study
S Nawaz, J Strobel
International Association of Online Engineering 6 (2), 39-51, 2016
Struggle town? Developing profiles of student confusion in simulation-based learning environments
Sadia Nawaz, Gregor Kennedy, James Bailey, Chris Mead, Lev Horodyskyj
ASCILITE 2018, 224-233, 2018
J Strobel, DF Radcliffe, JH Yu, S Nawaz, Y Luo, JH Choi
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2012, 33, 2012
To type or to speak? The effect of input modality on text understanding during note-taking
AA Khan, S Nawaz, J Newn, RM Kelly, JM Lodge, J Bailey, E Velloso
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022
Using voice note-taking to promote learners' conceptual understanding
AA Khan, S Nawaz, J Newn, JM Lodge, J Bailey, E Velloso
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.02927, 2020
Analysis of the Influence of the International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education on Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Education
S Nawaz, M Usman, J Strobel
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 50 (3), 316-340, 2013
A Keyword based Scheme to Define Engineering Education Research as a Field and its Members
S Nawaz, P Rajan, JH Yu, Y Luo, JH Choi, DF Radcliffe, J Strobel
Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2011, 9, 2011
Characterising students’ writing processes using temporal keystroke Analysis
D Malekian, J Bailey, G Kennedy, PD Barba, S Nawaz
12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), 354-359, 2019
Stabilization of microwave amplifiers
S Nawaz, H Mehmood
2005 Pakistan Section Multitopic Conference, 1-4, 2005
Understanding the role of AI and learning analytics techniques in addressing task difficulties in STEM education
S Nawaz, EA Alghamdi, N Srivastava, J Lodge, L Corrin
Artificial intelligence in STEM education, 241-258, 2022
Analysis of the Community of Learning Analytics
S Nawaz, F Marbouti, J Strobel
Third Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2013), http://meco …, 2013
Curriculum Analytics of Course Choices: Links with Academic Performance.
N Srivastava, S Nawaz, YS Tsai, D Gaševic
Journal of Learning Analytics 11 (1), 116-131, 2024
Hands-on or hands-off: Deciphering the impact of interactivity on embodied learning in VR
S Khorasani, BV Syiem, S Nawaz, J Knibbe, E Velloso
Computers & Education: X Reality 3, 100037, 2023
Impact of workplace bullying on work engagement among early career employees
I Javed, A Niazi, S Nawaz, M Ali, M Hussain
PLoS one 18 (10), e0285345, 2023
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Articles 1–20