Paul W. May
Paul W. May
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Diamond thin films: a 21st-century material
PW May
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 2000
Raman and conductivity studies of boron-doped microcrystalline diamond, facetted nanocrystalline diamond and cauliflower diamond films
PW May, WJ Ludlow, M Hannaway, PJ Heard, JA Smith, KN Rosser
Diamond and Related Materials 17 (2), 105-117, 2008
XPS and laser Raman analysis of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films
J Filik, PW May, SRJ Pearce, RK Wild, KR Hallam
Diamond and related Materials 12 (3-7), 974-978, 2003
Thin film diamond by chemical vapour deposition methods
MNR Ashfold, PW May, CA Rego, NM Everitt
Chemical Society Reviews 23 (1), 21-30, 1994
Nitrogen in diamond
MNR Ashfold, JP Goss, BL Green, PW May, ME Newton, CV Peaker
Chemical reviews 120 (12), 5745-5794, 2020
CVD diamond: a new technology for the future?
PW May
Endeavour 19 (3), 101-106, 1995
Microcrystalline, nanocrystalline, and ultrananocrystalline diamond chemical vapor deposition: Experiment and modeling of the factors controlling growth rate, nucleation, and …
PW May, MNR Ashfold, YA Mankelevich
Journal of Applied Physics 101 (5), 2007
Porous boron-doped diamond/carbon nanotube electrodes
H Zanin, PW May, DJ Fermin, D Plana, SMC Vieira, WI Milne, EJ Corat
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (2), 990-995, 2014
The new diamond age?
PW May
Science 319 (5869), 1490-1491, 2008
Production of nanocrystalline diamond by laser ablation at the solid/liquid interface
SRJ Pearce, SJ Henley, F Claeyssens, PW May, KR Hallam, JA Smith, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 13 (4-8), 661-665, 2004
From ultrananocrystalline diamond to single crystal diamond growth in hot filament and microwave plasma-enhanced CVD reactors: a unified model for growth rates and grain sizes
PW May, YA Mankelevich
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (32), 12432-12441, 2008
Graphite-to-diamond transformation induced by ultrasound cavitation
AK Khachatryan, SG Aloyan, PW May, R Sargsyan, VA Khachatryan, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 17 (6), 931-936, 2008
Isolation and structural proof of the large diamond molecule, cyclohexamantane (C26H30)
JEP Dahl, JM Moldowan, TM Peakman, JC Clardy, E Lobkovsky, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 42 (18), 2040-2044, 2003
Growth of diamond nanocrystals by pulsed laser ablation of graphite in liquid
L Yang, PW May, L Yin, JA Smith, KN Rosser
Diamond and related materials 16 (4-7), 725-729, 2007
Raman spectroscopy of nanocrystalline diamond: An ab initio approach
J Filik, JN Harvey, NL Allan, PW May, JEP Dahl, S Liu, RMK Carlson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (3), 035423, 2006
Reevaluation of the mechanism for ultrananocrystalline diamond deposition from Ar∕ CH4∕ H2 gas mixtures
PW May, JN Harvey, JA Smith, YA Mankelevich
Journal of applied physics 99 (10), 2006
Use of different excitation wavelengths for the analysis of CVD diamond by laser Raman spectroscopy
SM Leeds, TJ Davis, PW May, CDO Pickard, MNR Ashfold
Diamond and Related Materials 7 (2-5), 233-237, 1998
New insights into the mechanism of CVD diamond growth: Single crystal diamond in MW PECVD reactors
YA Mankelevich, PW May
Diamond and Related Materials 17 (7-10), 1021-1028, 2008
Diamond-coated ‘black silicon’as a promising material for high-surface-area electrochemical electrodes and antibacterial surfaces
PW May, M Clegg, TA Silva, H Zanin, O Fatibello-Filho, V Celorrio, ...
Journal of materials chemistry B 4 (34), 5737-5746, 2016
Diamond thin films: giving biomedical applications a new shine
PA Nistor, PW May
Journal of the royal society interface 14 (134), 20170382, 2017
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Articles 1–20