Henri Olkoniemi
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Cited by
Individual differences in the processing of written sarcasm and metaphor: Evidence from eye movements.
H Olkoniemi, H Ranta, JK Kaakinen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42 (3), 433, 2016
Processing of written irony: An eye movement study
JK Kaakinen, H Olkoniemi, T Kinnari, J Hyönä
Discourse Processes 51 (4), 287-311, 2014
The role of look-backs in the processing of written sarcasm
H Olkoniemi, E Johander, JK Kaakinen
Memory & Cognition 47 (1), 87-105, 2019
The ability to recognise emotions predicts the time-course of sarcasm processing: Evidence from eye movements
H Olkoniemi, V Strömberg, JK Kaakinen
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (5), 1212-1223, 2019
Processing of irony in text: A systematic review of eye-tracking studies.
H Olkoniemi, JK Kaakinen
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2021
‘No Man is an Island’: Effects of social seclusion on social dream content and REM sleep
J Tuominen, H Olkoniemi, A Revonsuo, K Valli
British Journal of Psychology 113 (1), 84-104, 2022
An eye-tracking study of reading long and short novel and lexicalized compound words
J Hyönä, A Pollatsek, M Koski, H Olkoniemi
Journal of eye movement research 13 (4), 2020
Dopamine and eye movement control in Parkinson’s disease: deficits in corollary discharge signals?
H Railo, H Olkoniemi, E Eeronheimo, O Pääkkönen, J Joutsa, V Kaasinen
PeerJ 6, e6038, 2018
Knowledge is a river and education is like a stairway: An eye movement study on how L2 speakers process metaphors and similes
H Olkoniemi, R Bertram, JK Kaakinen
Bilingualism: Language and cognition 25 (2), 307-320, 2022
Children's processing of written irony: An eye-tracking study
H Olkoniemi, S Halonen, PM Pexman, T Häikiö
Cognition 238, 105508, 2023
The holocaust as a lifelong nightmare: Posttraumatic symptoms and dream content in Polish Auschwitz survivors 30 years after World War II
M Bergman, O MacGregor, H Olkoniemi, W Owczarski, A Revonsuo, ...
The American Journal of Psychology 133 (2), 143-166, 2020
Universality in eye movements and reading: A replication with increased power
SP Liversedge, H Olkoniemi, C Zang, X Li, G Yan, X Bai, J Hyönä
Cognition 242, 105636, 2024
Changes in frequency and form of domestic violence in calls to violence helpline during COVID-19 in Finland.
J Tuominen, A Kaittila, V Halme, J Hietamäki, M Hakovirta, H Olkoniemi
Psychology of Violence, 2023
Comprehending irony in text: Evidence from scanpaths
H Olkoniemi, D Mézière, JK Kaakinen
Discourse Processes, 2024
Individual differences in processing written irony
H Olkoniemi
University of Turku, 2019
Viral simulations in dreams: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on threatening dream content in a Finnish sample of diary dreams
V Loukola, J Tuominen, S Kirsilä, A Kyyhkynen, M Lahdenperä, L Parkkali, ...
Consciousness and Cognition 119, 103651, 2024
Neurologically healthy humans’ ability to make saccades toward unseen targets
H Olkoniemi, M Hurme, H Railo
Neuroscience 513, 111-125, 2023
Learning irony in school: Effects of metapragmatic training
H Olkoniemi, T Häikiö, M Merinen, J Manninen, M Laine, PM Pexman
OSF, 2024
Individual and situational factors predicting threatening events and COVID-19 related threats in dreams
V Loukola, J Tuominen, H Olkoniemi, K Välimaa, E Malinen, K Valli
OSF, 2024
Introduction to the special issue on new approaches to figurative language research
H Olkoniemi, R Filik
Discourse Processes 61 (1-2), 1-5, 2024
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Articles 1–20