Xi Chen
Xi Chen
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Bio-inspired stable antimicrobial peptide coatings for dental applications
KV Holmberg, M Abdolhosseini, Y Li, X Chen, SU Gorr, C Aparicio
Acta biomaterialia 9 (9), 8224-8231, 2013
Antimicrobial GL13K peptide coatings killed and ruptured the wall of Streptococcus gordonii and prevented formation and growth of biofilms
X Chen, H Hirt, Y Li, SU Gorr, C Aparicio
PLoS One 9 (11), e111579, 2014
Surface biofunctionalization by covalent co-immobilization of oligopeptides
X Chen, P Sevilla, C Aparicio
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 107, 189-197, 2013
Global monitoring of inland water dynamics: State-of-the-art, challenges, and opportunities
A Karpatne, A Khandelwal, X Chen, V Mithal, J Faghmous, V Kumar
Computational sustainability, 121-147, 2016
Contextual time series change detection
XC Chen, K Steinhaeuser, S Boriah, S Chatterjee, V Kumar
Proceedings of the 2013 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 503-511, 2013
Clustering dynamic spatio-temporal patterns in the presence of noise and missing data
X Chen, JH Faghmous, A Khandelwal, V Kumar
Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
A new data mining framework for forest fire mapping
XC Chen, A Karpatne, Y Chamber, V Mithal, M Lau, K Steinhaeuser, ...
2012 Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding, 104-111, 2012
Earth science applications of sensor data
A Karpatne, J Faghmous, J Kawale, L Styles, M Blank, V Mithal, X Chen, ...
Managing and Mining Sensor Data, 505-530, 2013
A study of time series noise reduction techniques in the context of land cover change detection
X Chen, V Mithal, S VangalaReddy, I Brugere, S Boriah, V Kumar
Computational Sustainability
A Karpatne, A Khandelwal, X Chen, V Mithal, J Faghmous, V Kumar
Lässig, J., Kersting, K., Morik, K., Eds, 121-147, 2016
Online discovery of group level events in time series
XC Chen, A Mueen, VK Narayanan, N Karampatziakis, G Bansal, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 632-640, 2014
Multi-bioactive peptide coatings for dental implants
X Chen
Unsupervised method for water surface extent monitoring using remote sensing data
XC Chen, A Khandelwal, S Shi, JH Faghmous, S Boriah, V Kumar
Machine Learning and Data Mining Approaches to Climate Science: Proceedings …, 2015
Identifying dynamic changes with noisy labels in spatial-temporal data: A study on large-scale water monitoring application
X Jia, X Chen, A Karpatne, V Kumar
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1328-1333, 2016
A general framework to increase the robustness of model-based change point detection algorithms to outliers and noise
XC Chen, Y Yao, S Shi, S Chatterjee, V Kumar, JH Faghmous
Proceedings of the 2016 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 162-170, 2016
Yashu Chamber, Varun Mithal, Michael Lau, Karsten Steinhaeuser, Shyam Boriah, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Christopher S Potter, et al. A new data mining framework for …
XC Chen, A Karpatne
Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding (CIDU), 104-111, 2012
Unsupervised framework to monitor lake dynamics
S Boriah, V Kumar, A Khandelwal, XC Chen
US Patent 9,430,839, 2016
Online change detection algorithm for noisy time-series: An application tonear-real time burned area mapping
XC Chen, V Kumar, JH Faghmous
2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW), 1536-1537, 2015
Unsupervised methods to discover events from spatio-temporal data
X Chen
University of Minnesota, 2017
Supplement for" Contextual Time Series Change Detection"
X Chen, K Steinhaeuser, S Boriah, S Chatterjee, V Kumar
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