Achillefs Papageorgiou
Achillefs Papageorgiou
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Disability, perceived discrimination and political participation
M Mattila, A Papageorgiou
International Political Science Review 38 (5), 505-519, 2017
Down but not yet out: Depression, political efficacy, and voting
L Bernardi, M Mattila, A Papageorgiou, L Rapeli
Political Psychology 44 (2), 217-233, 2023
Policy or person? The electoral value of policy positions and personal attributes in the Finnish open-list system
Å Von Schoultz, A Papageorgiou
Party Politics 27 (4), 767-778, 2021
Coping with complexity: Ballot position effects in the Finnish open-list proportional representation system
P Söderlund, Å von Schoultz, A Papageorgiou
Electoral Studies 71, 102330, 2021
Breaking a habit: The impact of health on turnout and party choice
L Rapeli, M Mattila, A Papageorgiou
Party Politics 26 (2), 133-142, 2020
Are backbenchers fighting back? Intra-party contestation in German parliament debates on the Greek crisis
C Bhattacharya, A Papageorgiou
Parliamentary Affairs 72 (2), 425-444, 2019
This is an electronic reprint of the original article. This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail.
A Collaboration, BS Chang, DJ Kim, J Rak, M Slupecki, T Snellman, ...
Physics Letters B 766, 212-224, 2017
When life happens: the impact of life events on turnout
L Rapeli, A Papageorgiou, M Mattila
Political Studies 71 (4), 1243-1260, 2023
Does health affect party identification? Evidence from German panel data
A Papageorgiou, M Mattila, L Rapeli
Representation 55 (2), 215-224, 2019
Interest through necessity? The impact of personal health on the stability of political interest in the United Kingdom
M Mattila, A Papageorgiou, L Rapeli
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 22 (3), 421-438, 2020
Revamping the menu–or just offering what’s in stock? Candidate list volatility in open-list PR systems. Evidence from Finland
V Koskimaa, M Mattila, A Papageorgiou, Å Von Schoultz
European Political Science Review 13 (4), 449-466, 2021
Is there a relationship between party system polarization and voters’ proximity to the parties in the left–right dimension?
A Papageorgiou, H Autto
Acta Politica 50, 344-361, 2015
How supranational institutions benefit from crises: Member states’ solidarity and the EU's image during the COVID-19 pandemic
A Papageorgiou, W Immonen
European Union Politics 24 (3), 601-621, 2023
Simulation Analysis of the Effect of Party Identification on Finnish Parties' Optimal Positions
A Papageorgiou
Scandinavian Political Studies 33 (3), 224-247, 2010
Finnish parties’ positions in 2007: A matter of equilibrium or voters’ projection?
A Papageorgiou
Electoral Studies 29 (4), 724-732, 2010
Spatial model analysis of party policy strategies. Insights of deterministic and probabilistic voting with biased voters: Applications to Finland
A Papageorgiou
Tampere University Press, 2011
In the right place, at the right time: Opportunity structures and candidates’ chances of getting elected for the first time
V Koskimaa, M Mattila, A Papageorgiou, Å von Schoultz
Electoral Studies 84, 102626, 2023
The Contact Hypothesis and Its Application to Elections: Does it Pay for Political Parties to Contact Voters Directly or Not?
A Papageorgiou
Homo Oeconomicus 31 (3), 341, 2015
The impact of life events on turnout: habitual voting does not seem to be as resistant to change as often assumed
L Rapeli, M Mattila, A Papageorgiou
British Politics and Policy at LSE, 2022
Are Backbenchers Fighting Back?: Intra-Party Mobilisation in German Parliament Debates on the Greek Crisis
C Bhattacharya, A Papageorgiou
ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, 2017
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