Ari Jantunen
Ari Jantunen
Professor of Strategy Research, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Entrepreneurial orientation, dynamic capabilities and international performance
A Jantunen, K Puumalainen, S Saarenketo, K Kyläheiko
Journal of International Entrepreneurship 3 (3), 223-243, 2005
Knowledge‐processing capabilities and innovative performance: an empirical study
A Jantunen
European Journal of Innovation Management 8 (3), 336-349, 2005
Innovation and internationalization as growth strategies: The role of technological capabilities and appropriability
K Kyläheiko, A Jantunen, K Puumalainen, S Saarenketo, A Tuppura
International business review 20 (5), 508-520, 2011
Strategic orientations of born globals—Do they really matter?
A Jantunen, N Nummela, K Puumalainen, S Saarenketo
Journal of world business 43 (2), 158-170, 2008
Linking dynamic-capability portfolios and innovation outcomes
HK Ellonen, P Wikström, A Jantunen
Technovation 29 (11), 753-762, 2009
Beyond appearances–do dynamic capabilities of innovative firms actually differ?
A Jantunen, HK Ellonen, A Johansson
European management journal 30 (2), 141-155, 2012
The role of dynamic capabilities in developing innovation-related capabilities
HK Ellonen, A Jantunen, O Kuivalainen
International Journal of Innovation Management 15 (03), 459-478, 2011
Linking knowledge, entry timing and internationalization strategy
A Tuppura, S Saarenketo, K Puumalainen, A Jantunen, K Kyläheiko
International business review 17 (4), 473-487, 2008
Dynamic capabilities, operational changes, and performance outcomes in the media industry
A Jantunen, A Tarkiainen, S Chari, P Oghazi
Journal of Business Research 89, 251-257, 2018
Does sustainable development foster value creation? Empirical evidence from the global energy industry
S Pätäri, A Jantunen, K Kyläheiko, J Sandström
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 19 (6), 317-326, 2012
The European pulp and paper industry in transition to a bio-economy: A Delphi study
A Toppinen, S Pätäri, A Tuppura, A Jantunen
Futures 88, 1-14, 2017
Managing knowledge creation and sharing–scenarios and dynamic capabilities in inter‐industrial knowledge networks
J Bergman, A Jantunen, JM Saksa
Journal of Knowledge Management 8 (6), 63-76, 2004
Competitive and responsible? The relationship between corporate social and financial performance in the energy sector
S Pätäri, H Arminen, A Tuppura, A Jantunen
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 37, 142-154, 2014
The institutional environment for international entrepreneurship in Russia: Reflections on growth decisions and performance in SMEs
D Volchek, A Jantunen, S Saarenketo
Journal of International Entrepreneurship 11, 320-350, 2013
Enabling open innovation process through interactive methods: scenarios and group decision support systems
J Bergman, ARI Jantunen, JM Saksa
International Journal of Innovation Management 13 (01), 139-156, 2009
Corporate social and financial performance in different industry contexts: the chicken or the egg?
A Tuppura, H Arminen, S Pätäri, A Jantunen
Social Responsibility Journal 12 (4), 672-686, 2016
Strategic interpretation on sustainability issues–eliciting cognitive maps of boards of directors
JP Bergman, A Knutas, P Luukka, A Jantunen, A Tarkiainen, A Karlik, ...
Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society 16 (1 …, 2016
Relation between managerial cognition and industrial performance: An assessment with strategic cognitive maps using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis
MM Kumbure, A Tarkiainen, P Luukka, J Stoklasa, A Jantunen
Journal of Business Research 114, 160-172, 2020
Cooperation governance mode: an extended transaction cost approach
H Kuittinen, K Kyläheiko, J Sandström, A Jantunen
Journal of Management & Governance 13, 303-323, 2009
Value of knowledge—Technology strategies in different knowledge regimes
K Kyläheiko, A Jantunen, K Puumalainen, P Luukka
International Journal of Production Economics 131 (1), 273-287, 2011
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