Markus Lampe
Cited by
Cited by
When Britain turned inward: the impact of interwar British protection
A De Bromhead, A Fernihough, M Lampe, KH O’Rourke
American Economic Review 109 (2), 325-352, 2019
A land of milk and butter: how elites created the modern Danish dairy industry
M Lampe, P Sharp
University of Chicago Press, 2019
Effects of bilateralism and the MFN clause on international trade: Evidence for the Cobden-Chevalier Network, 1860-1875
M Lampe
The Journal of Economic History 69 (4), 1012-1040, 2009
How much trade liberalization was there in the world before and after Cobden-Chevalier?
A Tena-Junguito, M Lampe, FT Fernandes
The Journal of Economic History 72 (3), 708-740, 2012
The role of technology and institutions for growth: Danish creameries in the late nineteenth century
I Henriksen, M Lampe, P Sharp
European Review of Economic History 15 (3), 475-493, 2011
Explaining nineteenth‐century bilateralism: economic and political determinants of the Cobden–Chevalier network1
M Lampe
The Economic History Review 64 (2), 644-668, 2011
The strange birth of liberal Denmark: Danish trade protection and the growth of the dairy industry since the mid‐nineteenth century1
I Henriksen, M Lampe, P Sharp
The Economic History Review 65 (2), 770-788, 2012
Tariffs and income: a time series analysis for 24 countries
M Lampe, P Sharp
Cliometrica 7 (3), 207-235, 2013
Bilateral trade flows in Europe, 1857–1875: A new dataset
M Lampe
Research in Economic History 26, 81-155, 2008
‘Getting to Denmark’: the role of agricultural elites for development
N Boberg-Fazlic, PS Jensen, M Lampe, P Sharp, CV Skovsgaard
Journal of Economic Growth 28 (4), 525-569, 2023
Winners and losers from agrarian reform: Evidence from Danish land inequality 1682–1895
N Boberg-Fazlić, M Lampe, P Martinelli Lasheras, P Sharp
Journal of Development Economics, 102813, 2022
Just add milk: a productivity analysis of the revolutionary changes in nineteenth‐century D anish dairying
M Lampe, P Sharp
The Economic History Review 68 (4), 1132-1153, 2015
Cliometric approaches to international trade
M Lampe, P Sharp
Handbook of cliometrics, 859-897, 2024
How the Danes discovered Britain: the international integration of the Danish dairy industry before 1880
M Lampe, P Sharp
European Review of Economic History 19 (4), 432-453, 2015
A quest for useful knowledge: The early development of agricultural accounting in Denmark and Northern Germany
M Lampe, P Sharp
Accounting History Review 27 (1), 73-99, 2017
Greasing the wheels of rural transformation? Margarine and the competition for the B ritish butter market
M Lampe, P Sharp
The Economic History Review 67 (3), 769-792, 2014
Housing affordability during the urban transition in Spain
J Carmona, M Lampe, J Rosés
The Economic History Review 70 (2), 632-658, 2017
Deliberate surrender? The impact of interwar Indian protection
V Arthi, M Lampe, A Nair, KH O’Rourke
The Economic Journal 134 (657), 23-47, 2024
Pandemics and protectionism: Evidence from the “Spanish” flu
N Boberg-Fazlic, M Lampe, MU Pedersen, P Sharp
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8 (1), 1-9, 2021
Spanning the globe: the rise of global communications systems and the first globalisation
M Lampe, F Ploeckl
Australian Economic History Review 54 (3), 242-261, 2014
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Articles 1–20