Eduardo Mena
Cited by
Cited by
OBSERVER: An approach for query processing in global information systems based on interoperation across pre-existing ontologies
E Mena, A Illarramendi, V Kashyap, AP Sheth
Distributed and parallel Databases 8, 223-271, 2000
Location-dependent query processing: Where we are and where we are heading
S Ilarri, E Mena, A Illarramendi
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 42 (3), 12, 2010
Emergent semantics principles and issues
K Aberer, P Cudré-Mauroux, AM Ouksel, T Catarci, MS Hacid, ...
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 9th International Conference …, 2004
Web-based measure of semantic relatedness
J Gracia, E Mena
Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE 2008, 136-150, 2008
Domain specific ontologies for semantic information brokering on the global information infrastructure
E Mena, V Kashyap, A Illarramendi, A Sheth
Formal Ontology in Information Systems 46, 269-283, 1998
Location-dependent queries in mobile contexts: Distributed processing using mobile agents
S Ilarri, E Mena, A Illarramendi
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 5 (8), 1029-1043, 2006
Comparison and performance evaluation of mobile agent platforms
R Trillo, S Ilarri, E Mena
Third International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS'07 …, 2007
Enriching an ontology with multilingual information
M Espinoza, A Gómez-Pérez, E Mena
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 5th European Semantic Web …, 2008
Using cooperative mobile agents to monitor distributed and dynamic environments
S Ilarri, E Mena, A Illarramendi
Information Sciences 178 (9), 2105-2127, 2008
Solving semantic ambiguity to improve semantic web based ontology matching
J Gracia, V Lopez, M d'Aquin, M Sabou, E Motta, E Mena
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Ontology Matching-Volume …, 2007
Ontology-based query processing for global information systems
E Mena, A Illarramendi
Springer, 2001
Ontology matching with CIDER: Evaluation report for the OAEI 2008
J Gracia, E Mena
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Ontology Matching-Volume …, 2008
Querying the web: A multiontology disambiguation method
J Gracia, R Trillo, M Espinoza, E Mena
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Web engineering, 241-248, 2006
Imprecise answers in distributed environments: Estimation of information loss for multi-ontology based query processing
E Mena, V Kashyap, A Illarramendi, A Sheth
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 9 (04), 403-425, 2000
Discovering the semantics of user keywords
R Trillo, J Gracia, M Espinoza, E Mena
Journal of Universal Computer Science 13 (12), 1908-1935, 2007
SPRINGS: A scalable platform for highly mobile agents in distributed computing environments
S Ilarri, R Trillo, E Mena
Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on on World of Wireless …, 2006
Managing multiple information sources through ontologies: relationship between vocabulary heterogeneity and loss of information
E Mena, V Kashyap, A Illarramendi, AP Sheth
Adaptive user interface for mobile devices
N Mitrović, E Mena
Interactive Systems: Design, Specification, and Verification, 29-43, 2002
SHERLOCK: Semantic management of location-based services in wireless environments
R Yus, E Mena, S Ilarri, A Illarramendi
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 15, 87-99, 2014
Android goes Semantic: DL Reasoners on Smartphones
R Yus, C Bobed, G Esteban, F Bobillo, E Mena
2nd OWL Reasoner Evaluation Workshop (ORE 2013), 46, 2013
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Articles 1–20