Peasantry and entrepreneurship as frames for farming: reflections on farmers' values and agricultural policy discourses M Niska, HT Vesala, KM Vesala Sociologia ruralis 52 (4), 453-469, 2012 | 146 | 2012 |
Rethinking managerialism in professional work: from competing logics to overlapping discourses A Olakivi, M Niska Journal of professions and organization 4 (1), 20-35, 2017 | 98 | 2017 |
SME policy implementation as a relational challenge M Niska, KM Vesala Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 25 (5-6), 521-540, 2013 | 57 | 2013 |
‘The nightmare of multiculturalism’: Interpreting and deploying anti-immigration rhetoric in social media E Nortio, M Niska, TA Renvik, I Jasinskaja-Lahti New Media & Society 23 (3), 438-456, 2021 | 54 | 2021 |
Ageism in working life: A scoping review on discursive approaches F Previtali, K Keskinen, M Niska, P Nikander The Gerontologist 62 (2), e97-e111, 2022 | 35 | 2022 |
Haastattelumenetelmän tulkinnat sosiaalitieteellisessä diskurssintutkimuksessa: esimerkkinä laadullisen asennetutkimuksen lähestymistapa M Niska, A Olakivi, KM Vesala AFinLA-teema, 93-113, 2018 | 29* | 2018 |
Social innovations and social partnerships in Finland, Russia and Lithuania J Nikula, I Kopoteva, M Niska, L Granberg, E Butkeviciene Kikimora Publications, 2011 | 16 | 2011 |
Challenging interest alignment: Frame analytic perspective on entrepreneurship education in higher education context M Niska European Educational Research Journal, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
Who is serving whom?: An agency-for perspective on enterprise promotion in rural Finland M Niska Helsingin yliopisto, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
The societal role of Evangelical Lutheran parishes in rural Finland: A qualitative approach to local attitudes H Pesonen, M Niska, KM Vesala Rural Theology 11 (2), 68-82, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Sosiaalipsykologia ja maaseutututkimus:: identiteettejä, toimijuutta, yrittäjyyttä KM Vesala, M Niska Maaseutututkimus 21 (2‒3), 34-46, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
Constructing Homelikeness: Migrant Caregivers and the Politics of ‘Activation'in Public Care Provision in Finland A Olakivi, M Niska Transnational migration and home in older age, 214-226, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Older workers’ evaluations of the political goal to extend working life: Discursive approach to the “attitude problem” M Niska, P Nikander Journal of Social and Political Psychology 9 (1), 236-254, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
The use of social psychology in rural development? Two readings of rural business owners' values M Niska, HT Vesala, KM Vesala Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 26 (6), 581-595, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Evaluation of lifelong work satisfaction among former postal service workers M Niska, P KC, A Siukola, H Kosonen, J Luomanen, K Lumme-Sandt, ... | 6 | 2020 |
WHO IS SERVING WHOM? M Niska Publications of the Department of Social Research, 13, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Yrittäjien menestystarinat näkökulmana yrittäjyyteen ja sitä edistäviin tekijöihin M Niska, ST Hynynen, K Vesala Yrittäjyyden menestystarinat ja yrittäjyyden edistäminen. Tapaustutkimus …, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Социальные инновации и социальное партнерство как механизмы местного развития J Nikula, I Kopoteva, M Niska Крестьяноведение: Теория. История. Современность. Ученые записки., 326-348, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Moninaistuva politiikka, moninaistuva yrittäjyys? Toimijapositioiden rakentuminen yrittäjyyden edistämisdiskursseissa M Niska, KM Vesala Yritysten menestystarinat ja yrittäjyyden edistäminen. Tapaustutkimus …, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Goal setting in mental health rehabilitation: references to competence and interest as resources for negotiating goals E Weiste, M Niska, T Valkeapää, M Stevanovic Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health 9 (4), 409-424, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |