Muhammad Shoaib
Muhammad Shoaib
Associate Professor, Information Systems Department, King Saud University
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Cited by
A Deep Learning Model Based on Concatenation Approach for the Diagnosis of Brain Tumor
N. Noreen, S. Palaniappan, A. Qayyum, I. Ahmad, M. Imran, M. Shoaib
IEEE Access 8, 55135-55144, 2020
Bringing computation closer toward the user network: Is edge computing the solution?
E Ahmed, A Ahmed, I Yaqoob, J Shuja, A Gani, M Imran, M Shoaib
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (11), 138-144, 2017
Have you been a victim of COVID-19-related Cyber incidents? Survey, taxonomy, and mitigation strategies
S. Hakak, W. Z. Khan, M. Imran, K. R. Choo, M. Shoaib
IEEE Access 8, 124134-124144, 2020
Data-driven prognosis method using hybrid deep recurrent neural network
Min Xia, Xi Zheng, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Shoaib
Applied Soft Computing 93, 2020
Mobile Crowd Sensing - Taxonomy, Applications, Challenges, and Solutions
DE Boubiche, M Imran, A Maqsood, M Shoaib
Computers in Human Behavior 101, 352-370, 2019
An intelligent and efficient network intrusion detection system using deep learning
IR E.-u.-H. Qazi, M. Imran, N. Haider, M. Shoaib
Computers and Electrical Engineering 99, 107764, 2022
Efficient data gathering in 3D linear underwater wireless sensor networks using sink mobility
M Akbar, N Javaid, A Khan, M Imran, M Shoaib, A Vasilakos
Sensors 16 (3), 404, 2016
Technology-Assisted Decision Support System for Efficient Utilization of Water: A Real-Time Testbed for Irrigation using Wireless Sensor Networks
R Khan, I Ali, M Zahariya, M Ahmad, M Imran, M Shoaib
IEEE Access 6 (1), 400-412, 2018
A reconfigurable method for intelligent manufacturing based on industrial cloud and edge intelligence
H Tang, D Li, J Wan, M Imran, M Shoaib
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (5), 4248-4259, 2019
Cloudlet Computing: Recent advances, Taxonomy, and Challenges
M. Babar, MS Khan, Farman Ali, M. Imran, M. Shoaib
IEEE Access 9, 29609-29622, 2021
An overview of controlled-biocide-release coating based on polymer resin for marine antifouling applications
A Ali, MI Jamil, J Jiang, M Shoaib, BU Amin, S Luo, X Zhan, F Chen, ...
Journal of Polymer Research 27, 1-17, 2020
Congestion Avoidance through Fog Computing in Internet of Vehicles
S Yaqoob, A Ullah, M Akbar, M Imran, M Shoaib
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2019
CNN and GRU based deep neural network for electricity theft detection to secure smart grid
A Ullah, N Javaid, O Samuel, M Imran, M Shoaib
2020 international wireless communications and mobile computing (IWCMC …, 2020
A novel countermeasure technique for reactive jamming attack in internet of things
AA Fadele, M Othman, IAT Hashem, I Yaqoob, M Imran, M Shoaib
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-22, 2018
A Novel Collaborative IoD-Assisted VANET Approach for Coverage Area Maximization
MI GA Ahmed, TR Sheltami, AS Mahmoud, M. Shoaib
IEEE Access 9, 61211-61223, 2021
UAV-enabled data acquisition scheme with directional wireless energy transfer for Internet of Things
Y Liu, HN Dai, H Wang, M Imran, X Wang, M Shoaib
Computer Communications, 2020
An Improved Mechanism for Flow Rule Installation in In-band SDN
I Awan, N Shah, M Imran, M Shoaib, N Saeed
Journal of Systems Architecture 96, 32-51, 2019
A zero-watermarking algorithm for privacy protection in biomedical signals
Z Ali, M Imran, M Alsulaiman, T Zia, M Shoaib
Future Generation Computer Systems 82, 290-303, 2018
A secure message-passing framework for inter-vehicular communication using blockchain
M Awais Hassan, U Habiba, U Ghani, M Shoaib
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 15 (2), 1550147719829677, 2019
HarVis: An integrated social media content analysis framework for YouTube platform
U Ahmad, A Zahid, M Shoaib, A AlAmri
Information Systems 69, 25-39, 2017
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Articles 1–20