Helmut Rainer
Helmut Rainer
Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität München
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Unemployment and domestic violence: theory and evidence
D Anderberg, H Rainer, J Wadsworth, T Wilson
Economic Journal 126 (597), 1947 - 1979, 2016
Political regimes and the family: how sex-role attitudes continue to differ in reunified Germany
S Bauernschuster, H Rainer
Journal of Population Economics 25 (1), 5-27, 2012
Does democracy foster trust?
H Rainer, T Siedler
Journal of Comparative Economics 37 (2), 251-269, 2009
Children of a (Policy) revolution: the introduction of universal child care and its effect on fertility
S Bauernschuster, T Hener, H Rainer
Journal of the European Economic Association 14 (4), 975-1005, 2016
When Labor Disputes Bring Cities to a Standstill: The Impact of Public Transit Strikes on Traffic, Accidents, Air Pollution, and Health
S Bauernschuster, T Hener, H Rainer
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2017
O brother, where art thou? The effects of having a sibling on geographic mobility and labour market outcomes
H Rainer, T Siedler
Economica 76 (303), 528-556, 2009
Colonialism and female empowerment: A two-sided legacy
E Guarnieri, H Rainer
Journal of Development Economics 151, 102666, 2021
Subjective income and employment expectations and preferences for redistribution
H Rainer, T Siedler
Economics letters 99 (3), 449-453, 2008
Economic abuse: A theory of intrahousehold sabotage
D Anderberg, H Rainer
Journal of Public Economics 97, 282-295, 2013
The role of social networks in determining migration and labour market outcomes: Evidence from German reunification 1
H Rainer, T Siedler
Economics of Transition 17 (4), 739-767, 2009
The effects of in‐work benefit reform in Britain on couples: theory and evidence
M Francesconi, H Rainer, W Van Der Klaauw
The economic journal 119 (535), F66-F100, 2009
Why birthright citizenship matters for immigrant children: Short-and long-run impacts on educational integration
C Felfe, H Rainer, J Saurer
Journal of Labor Economics 38 (1), 143-182, 2020
Should we write prenuptial contracts?
H Rainer
European Economic Review 51 (2), 337-363, 2007
Education, communication and wellbeing: An application to sexual satisfaction
H Rainer, I Smith
Kyklos 65 (4), 581-598, 2012
Staying together for the sake of the home?: house price shocks and partnership dissolution in the UK
H Rainer, I Smith
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 173 …, 2010
Family location and caregiving patterns from an international perspective
H Rainer, T Siedler
Population and Development Review 38 (2), 337-351, 2012
Quantifying domestic violence in times of crisis: An internet search activity-based measure for the COVID-19 pandemic
D Anderberg, H Rainer, F Siuda
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 185 …, 2022
Meet the parents? Family size and the geographic proximity between adult children and older mothers in Sweden
H Holmlund, H Rainer, T Siedler
Demography 50 (3), 903-931, 2013
Caught between cultures: Unintended consequences of improving opportunity for immigrant girls
GB Dahl, C Felfe, P Frijters, H Rainer
The Review of Economic Studies 89 (5), 2491-2528, 2022
Zentrale Resultate der Gesamtevaluation familienbezogener Leistungen
H Bonin, A Fichtl, H Rainer, CK Spieß, H Stichnoth, K Wrohlich
DIW Wochenbericht 80 (40), 3-13, 2013
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Articles 1–20