Anu Akujärvi
Anu Akujärvi
Senior Research Scientist, Finnish Environment Institute
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Seasonal reflectance dynamics of common understory types in a northern European boreal forest
M Rautiainen, M Mõttus, J Heiskanen, A Akujärvi, T Majasalmi, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (12), 3020-3028, 2011
The role of geodiversity in providing ecosystem services at broad scales
J Alahuhta, T Ala-Hulkko, H Tukiainen, L Purola, A Akujärvi, R Lampinen, ...
Ecological Indicators 91, 47-56, 2018
Temperature sensitivity of decomposition in a peat profile
E Hilasvuori, A Akujärvi, H Fritze, K Karhu, R Laiho, P Mäkiranta, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 67, 47-54, 2013
Ecosystem services related to carbon cycling–modeling present and future impacts in boreal forests
M Holmberg, T Aalto, A Akujärvi, AN Arslan, I Bergström, K Böttcher, ...
Frontiers in plant science 10, 343, 2019
Effects of reindeer grazing and forestry on ground lichens in Finnish Lapland
A Akujärvi, V Hallikainen, M Hyppönen, E Mattila, K Mikkola, P Rautio
Silva Fennica 48 (3), 2014
Soil organic carbon dynamics of black locust plantations in the middle Loess Plateau area of China
N Lu, J Liski, RY Chang, A Akujärvi, X Wu, TT Jin, YF Wang, BJ Fu
Biogeosciences 10 (11), 7053-7063, 2013
Modelling impacts of forest bioenergy use on ecosystem sustainability: Lammi LTER region, southern Finland
M Forsius, A Akujärvi, T Mattsson, M Holmberg, P Punttila, M Posch, ...
Ecological Indicators 65, 66-75, 2016
Developing a spatially explicit modelling and evaluation framework for integrated carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation: Application in southern Finland
M Forsius, H Kujala, F Minunno, M Holmberg, N Leikola, N Mikkonen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 775, 145847, 2021
Carbon budget of Finnish croplands—effects of land use change from natural forest to cropland
A Akujärvi, J Heikkinen, T Palosuo, J Liski
Geoderma Regional 2, 1-8, 2014
Modelling the impacts of intensifying forest management on carbon budget across a long latitudinal gradient in Europe
A Akujärvi, A Shvidenko, SA Pietsch
Environmental Research Letters 14 (3), 034012, 2019
Indirect emissions of forest bioenergy: detailed modeling of stump‐root systems
J Liski, S Kaasalainen, P Raumonen, A Akujärvi, A Krooks, A Repo, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 6 (6), 777-784, 2014
Modelling the regional potential for reaching carbon neutrality in Finland: Sustainable forestry, energy use and biodiversity protection
M Forsius, M Holmberg, V Junttila, H Kujala, T Schulz, VV Paunu, ...
Ambio 52 (11), 1757-1776, 2023
Ecosystem services of boreal forests–carbon budget mapping at high resolution
A Akujärvi, A Lehtonen, J Liski
Journal of Environmental Management 181, 498-514, 2016
Changes in soil carbon stock predicted by a process-based soil carbon model (Yasso07) in the Yanhe watershed of the Loess Plateau
N Lu, A Akujärvi, X Wu, J Liski, Z Wen, M Holmberg, X Feng, Y Zeng, B Fu
Landscape ecology 30, 399-413, 2015
Dynamics of soil organic carbon stock in a typical catchment of the Loess Plateau: comparison of model simulations with measurements
X Wu, A Akujärvi, N Lu, J Liski, G Liu, Y Wang, M Holmberg, F Li, Y Zeng, ...
Landscape ecology 30, 381-397, 2015
ESLab application to a boreal watershed in southern Finland: preparing for a virtual research environment of ecosystem services
M Holmberg, A Akujärvi, S Anttila, L Arvola, I Bergström, K Böttcher, ...
Landscape Ecology 30, 561-577, 2015
Sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in the landscape: Approach for spatially explicit estimates
M Holmberg, A Akujärvi, S Anttila, I Autio, M Haakana, V Junttila, ...
Science of the total environment 781, 146668, 2021
Quantification of forest carbon flux and stock uncertainties under climate change and their use in regionally explicit decision making: Case study in Finland
V Junttila, F Minunno, M Peltoniemi, M Forsius, A Akujärvi, P Ojanen, ...
Ambio 52 (11), 1716-1733, 2023
Human appropriation of net primary production in Finland during 1990–2010
L Saikku, T Mattila, A Akujärvi, J Liski
Biomass and Bioenergy 83, 559-567, 2015
Role of land cover in Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions
M Holmberg, V Junttila, T Schulz, J Grönroos, VV Paunu, M Savolahti, ...
Ambio 52 (11), 1697-1715, 2023
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