Dennis Konnerup
Dennis Konnerup
Senior specialist in plant nutrition, SEGES Innovation
Ei vahvistettua sähköpostiosoitetta
Treatment of domestic wastewater in tropical, subsurface flow constructed wetlands planted with Canna and Heliconia
D Konnerup, T Koottatep, H Brix
Ecological engineering 35 (2), 248-257, 2009
Kinetics of pollutant removal from domestic wastewater in a tropical horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland system: effects of hydraulic loading rate
NTD Trang, D Konnerup, HH Schierup, NH Chiem, H Brix
Ecological engineering 36 (4), 527-535, 2010
Nitrogen nutrition of Canna indica: effects of ammonium versus nitrate on growth, biomass allocation, photosynthesis, nitrate reductase activity and N uptake rates
D Konnerup, H Brix
Aquatic Botany 92 (2), 142-148, 2010
Treatment of fishpond water by recirculating horizontal and vertical flow constructed wetlands in the tropics
D Konnerup, NTD Trang, H Brix
Aquaculture 313 (1-4), 57-64, 2011
Effects of recirculation rates on water quality and Oreochromis niloticus growth in aquaponic systems
TNT Diem, D Konnerup, H Brix
Aquacultural Engineering 78, 95-104, 2017
Rice acclimation to soil flooding: low concentrations of organic acids can trigger a barrier to radial oxygen loss in roots
TD Colmer, L Kotula, AI Malik, H Takahashi, D Konnerup, M Nakazono, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 42 (7), 2183-2197, 2019
Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from the restored mangrove ecosystem of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia
D Konnerup, JM Betancourt-Portela, C Villamil, JP Parra
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 140, 43-51, 2014
Constructed wetlands in Latin America and the Caribbean: a review of experiences during the last decade
MA Rodriguez-Dominguez, D Konnerup, H Brix, CA Arias
Water 12 (6), 1744, 2020
Linking oxygen availability with membrane potential maintenance and K+ retention of barley roots: implications for waterlogging stress tolerance
F Zeng, D Konnerup, L Shabala, M Zhou, TD Colmer, G Zhang, S Shabala
Plant, Cell & Environment 37 (10), 2325-2338, 2014
Responses of rice to Fe2+ in aerated and stagnant conditions: growth, root porosity and radial oxygen loss barrier
J Mongon, D Konnerup, TD Colmer, B Rerkasem
Functional Plant Biology 41 (9), 922-929, 2014
Do tropical wetland plants possess convective gas flow mechanisms?
D Konnerup, BK Sorrell, H Brix
New Phytologist 190 (2), 379-386, 2011
Spatio-temporal relief from hypoxia and production of reactive oxygen species during bud burst in grapevine (Vitis vinifera)
K Meitha, D Konnerup, TD Colmer, JA Considine, CH Foyer, ...
Annals of botany 116 (4), 703-711, 2015
Physiology, gene expression, and metabolome of two wheat cultivars with contrasting submergence tolerance
M Herzog, T Fukao, A Winkel, D Konnerup, S Lamichhane, JB Alpuerto, ...
Plant, cell & environment 41 (7), 1632-1644, 2018
Interactive effects of nitrogen form and pH on growth, morphology, N uptake and mineral contents of Coix lacryma-jobi L.
A Jampeetong, D Konnerup, N Piwpuan, H Brix
Aquatic Botany 111, 144-149, 2013
Impact of engineered nanoparticles on microbial transformations of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in wastewater treatment processes–A review
S Wu, H Wu, M Button, D Konnerup, H Brix
Science of the Total Environment 660, 1144-1154, 2019
Sensitivity of chickpea and faba bean to root‐zone hypoxia, elevated ethylene, and carbon dioxide
R Munir, D Konnerup, HA Khan, KHM Siddique, TD Colmer
Plant, Cell & Environment 42 (1), 85-97, 2019
Waterlogging tolerance, tissue nitrogen and oxygen transport in the forage legume Melilotus siculus: a comparison of nodulated and nitrate-fed plants
D Konnerup, G Toro, O Pedersen, TD Colmer
Annals of Botany 121 (4), 699-709, 2018
Leaf gas films contribute to rice (Oryza sativa) submergence tolerance during saline floods
M Herzog, D Konnerup, O Pedersen, A Winkel, TD Colmer
Plant, Cell & Environment 41 (5), 885-897, 2018
Flood tolerance of wheat–the importance of leaf gas films during complete submergence
A Winkel, M Herzog, D Konnerup, AH Floytrup, O Pedersen
Functional Plant Biology 44 (9), 888-898, 2017
Gas exchange and growth responses to nutrient enrichment in invasive Glyceria maxima and native New Zealand Carex species
BK Sorrell, H Brix, I Fitridge, D Konnerup, C Lambertini
Aquatic botany 103, 37-47, 2012
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