Rahim Saeidi
Rahim Saeidi
Principal Data Scientist at Zscaler
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Low-variance multitaper MFCC features: A case study in robust speaker verification
T Kinnunen, R Saeidi, F Sedlák, KA Lee, J Sandberg, ...
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 20 (7), 1990-2001, 2012
Advances in phase-aware signal processing in speech communication
P Mowlaee, R Saeidi, Y Stylianou
Speech communication 81, 1-29, 2016
Duration mismatch compensation for i-vector based speaker recognition systems
T Hasan, R Saeidi, JHL Hansen, DA Van Leeuwen
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
Accent recognition using i-vector, gaussian mean supervector and gaussian posterior probability supervector for spontaneous telephone speech
MH Bahari, R Saeidi, D Van Leeuwen
2013 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2013
Phase estimation for signal reconstruction in single-channel speech separation
P Mowlaee, R Saiedi, R Martin
Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1-4, 2012
I4U submission to NIST SRE 2012: A large-scale collaborative effort for noise-robust speaker verification
R Saeidi, KA Lee, T Kinnunen, T Hasan, B Fauve, PM Bousquet, E Khoury, ...
Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association …, 2013
Quality measure functions for calibration of speaker recognition systems in various duration conditions
MI Mandasari, R Saeidi, M McLaren, DA van Leeuwen
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 21 (11), 2425-2438, 2013
Temporally weighted linear prediction features for tackling additive noise in speaker verification
R Saeidi, J Pohjalainen, T Kinnunen, P Alku
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17 (6), 599-602, 2010
Iterative closed-loop phase-aware single-channel speech enhancement
P Mowlaee, R Saeidi
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 20 (12), 1235-1239, 2013
Interspeech 2014 special session: Phase importance in speech processing applications
P Mowlaee, R Saeidi, Y Stylanou
Proc. Interspeech, 1623-1627, 2014
What else is new than the hamming window? robust MFCCs for speaker recognition via multitapering.
T Kinnunen, R Saeidi, J Sandberg, M Hansson-Sandsten
INTERSPEECH, 2734-2737, 2010
Analysis of Face Mask Effect on Speaker Recognition.
R Saeidi, I Huhtakallio, P Alku
Interspeech, 1800-1804, 2016
A joint approach for single-channel speaker identification and speech separation
P Mowlaee, R Saeidi, MG Christensen, ZH Tan, T Kinnunen, P Franti, ...
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 20 (9), 2586-2601, 2012
The 2013 speaker recognition evaluation in mobile environment
E Khoury, B Vesnicer, J Franco-Pedroso, R Violato, Z Boulkcnafet, ...
2013 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 1-8, 2013
Subjective and objective quality assessment of single-channel speech separation algorithms
P Mowlaee, R Saeidi, MG Christensen, R Martin
2012 IEEE International conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2012
Multitaper estimation of frequency-warped cepstra with application to speaker verification
J Sandberg, M Hansson-Sandsten, T Kinnunen, R Saeidi, P Flandrin, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17 (4), 343-346, 2010
Quality measures based calibration with duration and noise dependency for speaker recognition
MI Mandasari, R Saeidi, DA Van Leeuwen
Speech Communication 72, 126-137, 2015
Group sparsity for speaker identity discrimination in factorisation-based speech recognition
A Hurmalainen, R Saeidi, T Virtanen
Portland, USA:[Sn], 2012
Score calibration in face recognition
MI Mandasari, M Günther, R Wallace, R Saeidi, S Marcel, ...
Iet Biometrics 3 (4), 246-256, 2014
Particle swarm optimization for sorted adapted gaussian mixture models
R Saeidi, HRS Mohammadi, T Ganchev, RD Rodman
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 17 (2), 344-353, 2009
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Articles 1–20