Michael E Kummer
Cited by
Cited by
When private information settles the bill: Money and privacy in Google’s market for smartphone applications
M Kummer, P Schulte
Management Science 65 (8), 3470-3494, 2019
GDPR and the lost generation of innovative apps
R Janssen, R Kesler, ME Kummer, J Waldfogel
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Market structure and market performance in E-commerce
F Hackl, ME Kummer, R Winter-Ebmer, C Zulehner
European Economic Review 68, 199-218, 2014
Wikipedia matters
M Hinnosaar, T Hinnosaar, M Kummer, O Slivko
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 32 (3), 657-669, 2023
Unemployment and online labor
K Borchert, M Hirth, ME Kummer, U Laitenberger, O Slivko, S Viete
ZEW Discussion Papers 18, 2018
99 Cent: Price Points in e-commerce
F Hackl, ME Kummer, R Winter-Ebmer
Information Economics and Policy 26, 12-27, 2014
Unemployment and digital public goods contribution
M Kummer, O Slivko, X Zhang
Information Systems Research 31 (3), 801-819, 2020
Competition and privacy in online markets: Evidence from the mobile app industry
R Kesler, M Kummer, P Schulte
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 20978, 2020
Spillovers in networks of user generated content: Pseudo-experimental evidence on Wikipedia
M Kummer
Mobile applications and access to private data: The supply side of the Android ecosystem
R Kesler, ME Kummer, P Schulte
ZEW-Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper, 2017
Centrality and content creation in networks-The case of economic topics on German wikipedia
ME Kummer, M Saam, I Halatchliyski, G Giorgidze
Information Economics and Policy 36, 36-52, 2016
Externalities in knowledge production: evidence from a randomized field experiment
M Hinnosaar, T Hinnosaar, ME Kummer, O Slivko
Experimental Economics 25 (2), 706-733, 2022
Information technology outsourcing and firm productivity: eliminating bias from selective missingness in the dependent variable
C Breunig, M Kummer, J Ohnemus, S Viete
The Econometrics Journal 23 (1), 88-114, 2020
Attention in the peer production of user generated content-evidence from 93 Pseudo-Experiments on wikipedia
ME Kummer
Available at SSRN 3431249, 2018
Chat more and contribute better: An empirical study of a knowledge-sharing community
X Chen, C Forman, M Kummer
ZEW-Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper, 2021
Healthy reviews! Online physician ratings reduce healthcare interruptions
ME Kummer, U Laitenberger, CE Rich, DR Hughes, T Ayer
ZEW Discussion Papers, 2021
Identification of causal effects in the context of mass collaboration
O Slivko, M Kummer, M Saam
Mass collaboration and education, 391-411, 2016
Analysing the Entire Wikipedia History with Database Supported Haskell
G Giorgidze, T Grust, I Halatchliyski, M Kummer
International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, 19-25, 2013
Healthy Reviews! The Impact of Online Physician Ratings on Healthcare Outcomes
M Kummer, C Rich, U Laitenberger, D Hughes, T Ayer
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 18145, 2022
Competition and Markets Authority: Mobile Ecosystems Market Study Statement of Scope _
A Calef, MT Doan, M Kummer, F Mariuzzo, S Summers, A Calef, T Doan, ...
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