John Schulenberg
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Cited by
Monitoring the future: National results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings, 2000
L Johnston, PM O'Malley, JG Bachman
National Institute on Drug Abuse, US Department of Health and Human Services …, 2001
Lifetime co-occurrence of DSM-III-R alcohol abuse and dependence with other psychiatric disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey
RC Kessler, RM Crum, LA Warner, CB Nelson, J Schulenberg, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 54 (4), 313-321, 1997
A developmental perspective on alcohol use and heavy drinking during adolescence and the transition to young adulthood.
JE Schulenberg, JL Maggs
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Supplement, 54-70, 2002
Career development: A life-span developmental approach
FW Vondracek, RM Lerner, JE Schulenberg
Routledge, 2019
Smoking, drinking, and drug use in young adulthood: The impacts of new freedoms and new responsibilities
JG Bachman, KN Wadsworth, PM O'Malley, LD Johnston, JE Schulenberg
Psychology Press, 2013
The transition to adulthood as a critical juncture in the course of psychopathology and mental health
JE Schulenberg, AJ Sameroff, D Cicchetti
Development and psychopathology 16 (4), 799-806, 2004
Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2016: Volume II, college students and adults ages 19-55
JE Schulenberg, LD Johnston, PM O'Malley, JG Bachman, RA Miech, ...
Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, 2017
Image processing and analysis methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study
DJ Hagler Jr, SN Hatton, MD Cornejo, C Makowski, DA Fair, AS Dick, ...
Neuroimage 202, 116091, 2019
A developmental perspective on alcohol and youths 16 to 20 years of age
SA Brown, M McGue, J Maggs, J Schulenberg, R Hingson, ...
Pediatrics 121 (Supplement_4), S290-S310, 2008
Getting drunk and growing up: trajectories of frequent binge drinking during the transition to young adulthood.
J Schulenberg, PM O'Malley, JG Bachman, KN Wadsworth, LD Johnston
Journal of studies on alcohol 57 (3), 289-304, 1996
Monitoring the Future national survey results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings, 2001
LD Johnston, PM O’Malley, JG Bachman
Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2002
The decline of substance use in young adulthood: Changes in social activities, roles, and beliefs
JG Bachman, PM O'Malley, JE Schulenberg, LD Johnston, AL Bryant, ...
Psychology Press, 2014
Taking hold of some kind of life: How developmental tasks relate to trajectories of well-being during the transition to adulthood
JE Schulenberg, AL Bryant, PM O'MALLEY
Development and psychopathology 16 (4), 1119-1140, 2004
How academic achievement, attitudes, and behaviors relate to the course of substance use during adolescence: A 6‐year, multiwave national longitudinal study
AL Bryant, JE Schulenberg, PM O'Malley, JG Bachman, LD Johnston
Journal of research on adolescence 13 (3), 361-397, 2003
How part-time work intensity relates to drug use, problem behavior, time use, and satisfaction among high school seniors: Are these consequences or merely correlates?
JG Bachman, J Schulenberg
Risks and Problem Behaviors in Adolescence, 198-213, 2014
Mental Health During Emerging Adulthood: Continuity and Discontinuity in Courses, Causes, and Functions.
JE Schulenberg, NR Zarrett
American Psychological Association, 2006
Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2017: Overview, key findings on adolescent drug use
LD Johnston, RA Miech, PM O'Malley, JG Bachman, JE Schulenberg, ...
The influence of the family on vocational development
JE Schulenberg, FW Vondracek, AC Crouter
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 129-143, 1984
Socioeconomic status and substance use among young adults: a comparison across constructs and drugs
ME Patrick, P Wightman, RF Schoeni, JE Schulenberg
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 73 (5), 772-782, 2012
The great sleep recession: changes in sleep duration among US adolescents, 1991–2012
KM Keyes, J Maslowsky, A Hamilton, J Schulenberg
Pediatrics 135 (3), 460-468, 2015
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Articles 1–20